Dating an Actress Pt. 2: The Instrument [M/F]

(All characters are 18 or over and any past sexual encounters described also occurred when they were 18 or over.)

So after the last rehearsal I was like 99% sure Ainsley Park wanted to fuck me. On the one hand, Ainsley was hot as fuck. And my girlfriend Delilah was taking load after load of cum from several of her cast mates. But on the other hand, Delilah had a pretty rigorous code of ethics and all of her what-looked-like-infidelities were to her just expressions of her character in Cabaret. That little alt right shithead Ben Stevens tried to fuck her and she turned him down saying “Sally Bowles does not fuck Nazis.” And sure enough there’s no implication in Cabaret of any sexual connection between Delilah’s character Sally and Ben’s character Ernst. She didn’t fuck Chase Park, one of the most popular guys in school, because he was playing an old man who Sally wouldn’t be interested in. To her it was SALLY doing all this fucking. DELILAH was 100% faithful to her boyfriend. I had trouble wrapping my head around this since Sally was a fictional character and her vagina was very much Delilah’s. But that didn’t change the fact that if I fucked Ainsley it would be cheating. I didn’t have any of Delilah’s “artistic” justifications.

Dating an Actress, Pt. 1

(All characters are 18 or over.)

I’d known who Delilah was since junior high and always found her attractive but didn’t get a hardcore crush on her until our senior year of high school seeing her in the school’s production of Romeo and Juliet. I’m not a big theater guy but on top of how hot she was, she really conveyed an adorable quality that made you say “yeah, I’d defy my family for this chick.” When I was 18, I asked her out and we started dating. I put the moves on her pretty early but she said she wanted to wait. We dated for three months before we made love.

The spring musical was Cabaret and being a theater girl she auditioned and got the lead role of Sally. I was worried about the show taking all her time for two months. So I decided to volunteer for stage crew. Delilah asked if I was sure. “Theatre kids… we can get a little crazy. It might be a bit of a culture shock, Jake,” she warned. I just smiled “I’m all about your kind of crazy.”

The Promise Ring, Part 3: Holy Matrimony

[In the Beginning](

[Do Unto Others](

I had wanted to propose to Grace as soon as she turned 18, but her father wouldn’t give his blessing until we were done with high school. So I proposed graduation weekend. She smiled when she said “Yes” but it seemed like her eyes were somewhere else. When we kissed she had that funny taste she got in her mouth sometimes. She’d been working as the soccer team’s equipment manager after school and had been eating a lot of those weird protein yogurts that she talked about but I never saw her eat. I don’t know if it was that or just being around exercise equipment (I had heard her grunting a couple times from weightlifting while I waited outside to pick her up) but she was looking better than ever. It definitely inspired impure thoughts but we had made it this far celibately. We just needed to make it down the aisle to bid our virginities farewell.

The Promise Ring, Part II: Do Unto Others

[In the Beginning](

It’s been about a month since the party where I accidentally drank a drugged drink and had a weird dream of my virgin girlfriend Grace engaging in bisexual depravity with her cousin’s girlfriend and our pagan English teacher. I hadn’t told Grace about the dream. It was too obscene to worry her with. Still, it stayed with me more than dreams usually do.

Grace must have picked up on my altered mood or maybe I was just projecting because she seemed different after that party too. A little more knowing, a bit more contemplative. She would question things that should be taken on faith. Even without the terrible dream it would be hard not to see Mr. Thomas’ influence. I knew I had to get her away from him but he was our English teacher, so what was I supposed to do?

It really got bad when Grace started missing Christian Student Union meetings. It turned out Mr. Thomas led a philosophy club at the same time. She argued that she had 18 years’ worth of education about Christianity and it would strengthen her faith to learn more about alternate points of view. Then she told a weird story about people in a cave watching shadows and I didn’t understand her point. She rolled her eyes and told me it was fine.

The Promise Ring, Part I: In the Beginning

When I was born my parents named me Christian because to them it was the most important thing I could be. And I’ve pretty much lived my life by Christian principles. For the most part it has been easy. Sure nonbelievers give me guff but I know they can be brought around if I remain kind and just share the Good News with them. Firm, but not pushy. I may not always convert, but I earn respect.

I will admit, abstinence is the part of remaining pious that is… a lot more difficulty. Especially since Grace. I began dating Grace my freshman year of high school. She is as devoted to her faith as I am, but she is absolutely beautiful and I frequently need to pray for forgiveness for the impure thoughts I have about her. But I have remained strong. I haven’t even committed the sin of self-pleasure, though the devil tempts me with it nightly. Sophomore year Grace and I exchanged promise rings, pledging premarital abstinence and fidelity to each other and our Creator. We planned to wed after we finished high school. If it was up to me we would have done it as soon as Grace turned 18 (which I did three months earlier) but her parents were quite insistent we wait. So it was another six months I would have to fight temptation because Grace and I could consummate within a blessed matrimonial union.

Candid Camera

Faith was still hungover when she woke up. She out on one of Liv’s bathrobes and made her way to the kitchen. She couldn’t believe that Liv’s house looked so clean. The party was small but it was wild and before the part of the night where Faith couldn’t remember anymore Liv’s house looked like a hurricane had blown through it. But this morning she woke up in a house that was clean, but not suspiciously so. There were a couple blankets and an empty popcorn bowl in the living room like Liv and Faith had just stayed up late watching movies, which is what Liv’s parents had been told was the agenda for the night. When she woke up Faith had been naked and so was Liv. She didn’t think anything had happened… this time. Faith had come a long way from the good Christian girl she had been at the start of senior year. (Behind closed doors, that is. To the town she was still the Reverend’s perfect little angel.) She knew that all the boys she had been with were forgivable, but if her father ever knew she had lain with girls she would be out on her ass disowned. Her father had been so disappointed when she broke up with Jesse Singer. He sang in the church choir and was a star of the wrestling team and above all a good Christian boy. But senior year when Liv became a sexually adventurous free spirit, Faith decided she wanted to dip her tow into the waters of sin herself. Jesse had kept her secret but refused to take the plunge with her, so they broke up. Faith had actually lost her virginity to Liv. All the boys she slept with were boys Liv had already slept with.

Behind Every Successful Man (Part III)

[Part I]( | [Part II](


When I get home I want to ask Alice about that maybe-sighting of her at the office a while after I thought she left but when I get home she jumps on me. We have a really healthy sex life. We fuck most days. Sometimes more than once but god damn. She is in rare form tonight. She pulls my pants down, pushes me to the floor and climbs on top of me. She’s wetter than usual and I can see her creaming on my dick. Once I fill her with my jizz she sucks my dick cleaning her and my cum of my cock. When we both catch our breath I do ask…

“Hey, I thought I saw you at the office today.”

“Yeah I brought you lunch.”

“Yeah I know I mean a while after that. 30 minutes later maybe?”

“Right after I left you I had a lunch meet-up.”

“Yeah? With who?”

“I saw Toni today. You remember Toni, right?”

“Tony? Oh! You mean Toni from college? Of course I remember her!”

“Yeah I bet you do.”

My Worst College Nightmare

It’s finally here. Thankfuckinggod it’s finally move-in day. Living with my parents has been hell. They’re so nosy and clingy. I blame them entirely for my being an 18-year-old virgin. Every other girl in my class gave it up by now but I never had room to breathe, let alone fuck. But I was going to be free now. I mean I wasn’t even going out of town but at least I was moving into the dorms and my vagina and mouth (and maaaaybe my butt if I’m feeling it) are now open for business!

My RA is showing me to my room. Her name is Luisa and she’s pretty hot. Ohmigod I can’t wait to explore my bisexuality! I wonder if Luisa is down?

“Dawn, your roommate is already checked in. She seems like a LOT of fun.” Luisa smirks. So maybe she is into girls but has a thing for my roommate? Oh well. Plenty of fish in the sea they say.

“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Well, Kirsten makes a GREAT first impression.” It kind of feels like Luisa’s crush has seen some action already. Quick, but I’m not judging! You go, Luisa! Weird that my roommate is named Kirsten though. That’s the same name as my-

Behind Every Successful Man (Part II)

[Part I](


Well today is going great. First that dickhead Blake doesn’t come in to work, then my god damn smoke show of a wife Alice brings me lunch at the office! She can’t stay to eat it with me but she does give me a quick handy under my desk and catches my cum in her mouth. Jesus Christ, she fucks like a porn star. I’m a lucky man to be her one and only! Not to mention the lamb sandwich she made. Gourmet stuff right there. Almost as good as the handjob.


I don’t know who the fuck Blake Long thinks he is, standing me up for lunch. He was a fucking shoo-in for this promotion, but a man who can’t even show up for his own fucking interview is not fucking executive material. It wasn’t even really an interview, I was just going to take him for a congratulatory lunch and tell him the job was his. He was supposed to meet me in my office twenty fucking minutes ago and he’s not answering his cell phone. I called his home and his wife answered and she mouthed off about him being a prick. A man who can’t even keep his woman in line does not deserve to move up at this firm.

Behind Every Successful Man (Part 1)


I met Oliver when I was 18 and he was 21 and I immediately knew he would change my life. He could do more than that. He could change the world if he put his mind to it. He just didn’t know it. After we’d been together for a couple years it became abundantly clear that Oliver was the type of guy who needed a little help to realize his full potential. We married when I was 21 and in addition to the vows I spoke aloud, I made a vow to myself that I would do whatever was necessary to help him along.


After work I called Alice to let her know I was going to be home late. I had to grab a drink with some guys from work. I was angling for the promotion to Head of Special Projects at Johnson, Schafter, & Kant and was quietly questioning my coworkers to see who else had the same goal. Being a lawyer was frequently miserable but I had gone through all of it to try to help people and the Special Projects division is where I can help people in need instead of helping some millionaires merge their dumb fucking companies to minimize tax burdens. I worked my ass off and now, at 27, I would be the youngest department head at the firm. I had a real shot at it too, but Blake Long was going for it too and he was going to be a real competitor. He had gone to Mr. Johnson’s alma mater and Johnson definitely liked him better. The job was just status to him. I doubt if he cared about helping anyone.