Final Part. The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

By this time I was aroused by a combination of the wonderful smell of her cunt, and the fact I was watching another couple fucking for real. James helped me take off my clothes and I returned to the bed. I heard Leroy say “Lovely tits Judy” as I bent my face to Clara’s and placed my lips on her lips. She immediately opened her mouth and her tongue sought mine. I felt for her nipples once more and found them hard and erect. She moaned softly in my mouth as I pulled and rolled her nipples between my fingers and I felt the bed move a little as Leroy entered her more deeply.

I also felt James lift my hips as I leaned over Clara, and then that wonderful feeling once more as he slipped his hot cock in my cunt. I felt Clara’s fingers on my tits and my nipples quickly responded just as hers had. We fucked for a long time and eventually I heard Leroy gasp “I’m cumming….” Quickly followed by James saying “Here Leroy, give it to Judy. She loves it”

Part 4 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

Before I could answer James butted in with….

“Perfectly true Dave, and then Judy asked me to fuck her, but I refused”

Then a rather shocked Dave managed to ask “I don’t understand at all. Why after all this sexual activity behind my back did you not fuck her as she asked?”

“Because I need your permission” James said, and then went on “I am happy to pleasure married women in any way I can except for fucking them. For that I need permission from the husband”

Dave stared at me for a long time, and finally said “Do you want James to fuck you Judy?”

“Yeesss” I stammered. “I’m sorry Dave but I am being honest. I need James to fuck me. I need him right now…”

James butted in saying “This arrangement is not uncommon Dave. You may have heard of it, it’s called cuckoldry and I’m somewhat of an expert on the subject. Cuckoldry is when a married woman has sexual relations with a man, or men, other than her husband. But importantly, unlike having an affair, she has her husband´s full knowledge, encouragement and support and is treated with honesty and respect”

Part 3 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

But it was a little late as the safety razor he was using was already gliding across my pubic mound, taking away a swathe of my bushy hair with it. The sensation was exquisite, and I dropped my hands to feel the soft smooth contours of my cunt, totally exposed with James’s eyes just a few inches away. As there was little I could now do to stop him I let James continue. He was very gentle as he parted the lips of my cunt with his fingers to shave away the last of my pubic hair. I was now completely bare and silky smooth.

He next took a small bottle of unscented almond oil, splashed a little in his hand, let it warm for a moment or two, then using just the tips of his fingers he spread it over my naked cunt. I was in heaven. I had broken so many personal taboos over the past few days, and now as James worked his magic with his fingers, I felt an urgent need to break another. I said to James “I have a confession James. After my hand brushed your cock on the stairs, I found some of your semen on it. I liked the feel of it and I even tasted it. Would you do what you did before and make some more just for me?”

Part 2 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

The next morning Dave left early for a job interview leaving me alone in the house with James. I busied myself doing laundry in my nightdress and as I was taking some clothing up to the bedroom I heard James in the shower. When I had finished I began to descend the stairs and when I was about halfway down I heard the bathroom door open and James’s voice saying. “Good morning Judy”

I turned to reply and imagine my shock when I turned to see a completely naked James at the top of the stairs. He was slim and muscular and it was impossible not to notice his penis which wasn’t large, but was semi-erect and directly level with my eyes.

I took what Dave had said on board so not wanting to appear rude I tried to respond but could only stammer

“James….Goood morn…How are you”

“I’m fine” he replied “I slept really well. I like your nightgown. It shows off your nipples beautifully”

“Oh No” I thought. “Not again” but suddenly realizing that these were only words, and he hadn’t touched me in any way, I decided to play along a little. After all his words of last night had excited me more than anything had ever done.

Part 1 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

I won’t bore you with all the details but suffice to say I am a 42 year old married woman named Judy. Average would adequately describe me, and also my husband. I have Average looks, average body, average everything really. We are just an average couple, living an average life.

Then Dave my husband lost his job in the financial crisis and suddenly things became very tight financially. With both our sons in College there were no more vacations or Spa trips. Every day we were just struggling to make ends meet, and things were not getting any better.

One evening as we waded through the latest bills to arrive I had an idea. “Why don’t we rent one of the kid’s rooms” I said to Dave. “The extra income from a roomer would be a godsend” Dave thought it was a great idea so the next day I placed an advert for the room in our local paper.

Janet experiences an unexpected sexual awakening.

I had recently retired to the south coast of Spain, near a small rural village. The village consisted of little more than a few dozen scattered house, a small convenience store and a couple of bars one of which I had just arrived at. I sat at an outside table enjoying the warm spring sunshine as the bartender came out to take my order. I ordered a beer and he scurried off to get it. On returning he must have noticed my accent and asked in Spanish “Are you English”

Before arriving in Spain I had studied Spanish at night school, and although I was not perfect I could hold a simple conversation so I replied in Spanish “Yes I am”

He then said “Can you perhaps help me? I have a small problem. There is an English lady sitting inside the bar. She has been drinking heavily for a few hours and is very drunk. She is also upset and crying. I offered to get her a taxi but she doesn’t understand me. Would you talk to her?”

“Sure” I replied “Lead the way” and followed him through a low doorway into the gloom of the small bar

Maria gets a reading lesson. Blind date takes on a whole new meaning for an innocent teen

The day started pretty much like any other Saturday. I was off on my usual week-end treasure hunting expedition. I packed my metal detector in the car together with my maps and a packed lunch, kissed my wife goodbye and headed out of town. Earlier that week I had found an area of land on an old map that looked to be a promising new hunting ground. It was the site of an old settlement that was very close to a disused gold mine. Now I was on my way to visit Mr Rogers the landowner, to ask permission to begin hunting on his land.

Mr Rogers was a veterinary surgeon, and he lived in a large, rambling farmhouse covered in clinging ivy. I pulled into the driveway, parked up and rang the bell. After a few moments the door opened and I was surprised to see in front of me a beautiful young woman aged about 19. She had long blonde hair, full lips and the most amazing sky blue eyes. She was dressed in a long, Victorian style light cotton nightdress which, because of the nature of the fabric and the sunlit window behind her, was virtually transparent. I could plainly see her full breasts, large nipples and the shadowy dark triangle between her thighs. Of all the things that could of greeted me when the door opened this was by far the most unexpected. She was absolutely stunning.