Is it my turn to fuck you tonight? [m/f]

Sometimes I look at you, and I want to hit you. I want to punch you, slap you, cut you open and crawl inside of you. I want to own you and possess you. Neither of us knowing where we begin and the other ends. I am so full of bursting need, I can feel it bubbling over.

Imagine the sheer pleasure of our bodies becoming one.
I am lost in the dark as you drive yourself into me, your hands on my hips and my face in a pillow. I enjoy the struggle to catch my breath. The fabric smothering me for you.
My senses are focused on every sound that we make, the slap of your balls against my clit.  The sucking sound of my pussy, trying to stop you from leaving us.

I feel weightless, I feel earthed. It is carnal. Groaning and sweating, the air is filled with the primal smell of sex.

However, no matter how deep you go, it’s never enough. I push back into you, trying to impale myself on you. I am needy and I am desperate, more. More. More.

Own me, fill me, mark me.

Sex with you


That moment when you slide your cock into me is my favourite thing in the whole world. The feeling of resistance before my pussy accepts you. Pleasure, friction, an uncomfortable fullness.

I am never as sensitive as those first moments, I never feel you as keenly as on that first thrust. It’s like you are forcing your way into my soul, I have no thought but where our bodies meet. And then you start to move. Fuck. 

You know that I love it hard, and deep, the harder the better. So you go slow, your cock gently slides in and out of me. Finding a rhythm with you is easy. When we go slow like this my mind drifts, to fantasies so filthy I would never admit them.

You sense my mind wandering and you slam into me, your pace fast, erratic, punishing. A fist in my hair and a handprint on my arse.

Its an assault on my senses, the difference in stimuli is what keeps me sharply in the moment. 

I need the pain, the pleasure, the delicious combination of the two. One without the other is like food without salt. 

Do I think about you when I touch myself? M/F

This is my first post so be gentle with me! Moderators I hope I have followed the rules correctly :)


One day you asked me what I think about when I touch myself.

Do I think about you? I know this is the unspoken question that you want to ask but wont.

I do think about you, you as you are today, in a black T-Shirt smelling like Chanel, fully clothed while I lay here in my towel. I imagine the roughness of your jeans sliding across my body. Skin so sensitive and soft because I just got out of the bath. Looking at you thinking, what will you do?

Will you lean over me, pinning both wrists above my head with one hand while the other lazily traces its way down to my pussy. I squirm when you do this, embarrassed because I haven’t trimmed like I should have. You don’t let me pull away, stroking your fingers through me with a twinkle in your eye. Releasing my wrists you roll me over, giving my ass a smack, hard enough to leave your handprint, not hard enough to really hurt. Taking advantage of this position you trace kisses down my spine. One hand reaching under to stoke my clit, the other firmly holding the back of my neck, my face pressed into a pillow that smells like you.