[MF] Me [19] and my best friend [21] finally making out… (FINAL UPDATE)

So everyone, I highly recommend you to read the first and second part for a further understanding of this story (check my other posts). Also I’m not native speaker so feel free to point out my grammar mistakes so I can improve faster.

It’s been 8 days since Lola and I started to be having sex. We’ve had a lot of fun for sure but we’re also dealing with some studies related stuff such as work, assignments, and deadlines but also sometimes we have to go to Cinema festivals. 

In this case Lola was gone for the Southern France on the “Côte d’Azur” because of a short movies festival. Her whole trip lasted for a few days : she had meetings, classes, conferences and projections. Lola’s availability, even by texting, was really low. Our amount of communication went to almost minimum even though we’re the kind to be texting each other all the time, talking about whatever crosses our minds. Despite this very low communication, I knew she was missing me as much as I was missing her. I could feel it, she was getting thirstier and thirstier for lust and so was I…

[MF] Me [19] and my best friend [21F] finally making out (Part.2)

Feel free to check part 1 if you want more context to this story.

So Lola and I, after finally admitting that we were just striving to have sex with the other, yearning for each other’s touch saw our relationship totally change.

Oddly, the next day after what happened in part 1, things between her and I felt kinda awkward. We didn’t knew if we should have done it and also the “we really did it….” unreal feeling. So we eventually stopped having one on one time a little moment but only seeing each other during hang outs with our friendship group.

Both of us were feeling a bit afraid of the reaction of our friends if they found out. Not that they’re not open minded but we didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or create any jealousy. I’m suspecting another friend of mine to be having a crush on me for example.

So we’re going out to the bar next to the building we live in (we’re a few floors apart yup). She sits a bit away from me. I guess she just wanna talk with the other friends since she just spent a lot of time with me. I do the same and enjoy the night. As the beers rolls, the laughs, the conversations are getting greater. Everyone’s enjoying a lot the evening since we’re a bit tipsy.

[MF] Me [19M] And my best friend [21F] finally making out.

So this story just happened, as I’m writing it, I’m still a bit shaking from excitation but also glad to contribute to this sub. I’m not native speaker, I apologize for the mistakes and sloppy writing. Feel free to share advice to help me improve.

So first of all me and Lola (not her real name), just met each other in our art school. As soon we started talking we truly felt like there was a great feeling between us and immediately became really close friends. There was like a lot of affection and understanding between us which made us our friendship really great.

Lola is a really petite girl (1m55), long haired ginger, with an Heterochromia (one blue eye, the other one brown). She has a wonderful butt and a solid C-Cup. She’s a 10/10 for me but she won’t believe me lol. On my side I’m a long haired blond, blue eyed dude. 1m87 hence pretty skinny.

She and I really love talking about sex because we’re open minded, chill about it but also because we both have a high sex drive. We often talk about masturbation, tips to improve pleasure etc. We also like to tease a bit each other for the laughs. There is some kind of tension I’ve got to admit it.