Cum in me. [FM]

Back from an early lunch, full of cum. Because I asked him to cum in me. I love to ask men to do that. Just saying it can almost make me cum.

It was a Tinder hookup with a college junior (I’m 43). Met at Starbucks, but went back to his place almost immediately. His roommates weren’t there. He walked in and was showing me around, but when he turned back I had my scrubs top off already and was smiling from ear to ear. He grabbed my hips and asked if I was always this slutty. I just smiled and let him take over. He pulled my sports bra up and off of me, and I kicked my shoes off. He was pulling my scrub bottoms and underwear off when I kind of lost my balance and he just went with it and pushed me over the back of his couch. He slid a finger into me and then pressed against me and just said “close your eyes and hold still.”

I did close my eyes, but I did not hold still. After a few minutes, though, I had something to say.

Cum in me.

Thanks to the stranger who bought me [F] a dance

So I went with two friends to a local strip club. A strip club famous for offering lots of services. A girlfriend – let’s call her Michelle – basically teased a mutual friend (Dan) into going, and then realized she was nervous about actually going herself, so I was recruited for moral support, because they know enough about me to know I’m hard to scare.

Michelle and Dan aren’t dating, but they should be. They’re very handsy with each other, but they date other people.

We went straight from work, so I was wearing boring clothes – dark jeans, tank top, button-down, flats. But we were going for them, so…

After an Uber there, Michelle payed our way in – and we almost walked directly into a naked woman, who was very excited to see to women coming in. We sat down and watched, as Michelle and Dan teased each other into tipping. I mostly just watched – I’m certainly OK with women, so my interest wasn’t just clinical…

And a man was watching me watch the women. He was dressed like a used car salesman. It was… kind of silly, really. Who wears a red sportcoat? But he tipped a lot, based on how the dancers treated him. And he was watching me intently, even while tipping the naked women.

On his [f]riends and having a distracting ass

So I was ‘encouraged’ to post about a time when something actually happened. So this wasn’t that long after my then bf (who became my husband) and I had started having sex. He had friends over and they were playing video games – split screen, even! I was around; his parents weren’t home so it was just us. I was going back and forth between the kitchen and the family room, and I’d bring Mountain Dew (ugh) to them or something. Being a good little girl :) I’m sure I was wearing dolfin shorts and a t-shirt, because I usually was. This is as close to exactly that happened as I remember, but I’m guessing the dialogue isn’t exactly right…

bf: “If you keep staring at her ass, I’m going to kick yours”

frnd1: “Sorry, man, I wasn’t staring”

bf: “You were and it’s fine but seriously we’re playing.”

I sat down next to them and rested my head on my bfs shoulder. I very much doubt he was winning – he was smart and gifted in many ways, but video games were not among those gifts.

frnd1: “It’s those shorts. They’re not fair. They make gym class hard.”

[f] Asking the dentist [M] a question.

My dentist was hot. Salt and pepper hair, very fit, well-dressed, sleeves rolled up, shiny brown eyes that twinkled…

Anyway. He’d been my dentist since forever. He technically was a pediatric dentist, and I didn’t fit the bill anymore, but it seemed like he just kind of kept his patients, which I definitely appreciated.

I was there for cleaning. Redheads often have dental problems, particularly with caries, but I didn’t, so it always felt good to go in and be told my teeth were fine in that ridiculous way that getting good feedback from your dentist feels good.

The hygienist had cleaned my teeth – I had noticed that all of his hygienists were cute, and two of the four were redheads, and wondered if he had a type – and I was waiting to see the dentist. I had worn a skirt, which is never a good idea if you’re going to the dentist, of course, and a fairly low-cut top with a scoop cut. But I was also wearing a blue paper towel clipped around my neck, so I doubted he would notice. My skirt was above the knee, which I could get away with pretending is just about being comfortable, but I was actually freezing my ass off.