37[F] My first lifestyle party started a hot fling

I walked to the door and almost turned around before knocking. I was nervous, about to step into my first lifestyle party. The host greeted me and led me into the kitchen where a group was chatting. I scanned the room and my attention lingered on a man at my left. Our eyes met and before either of us said a word, I instantly knew we would end up in bed together.

This moment began a short but satisfying fling. B was in the area for training and would be leaving in a month. That first night, we spent a couple hours getting to know each other, flirting and playing pool. I led him to the couch and asked if I could kiss him. He was a great kisser, playfully alternating between deep and light kissing. His hand caressed my neck and dug into my hair, a move surprisingly (and pleasantly) passionate given we just met. It wasn’t long before I asked if he would join me in an open bedroom.