Her body was the canvas. My tongue was the paint brush. [M/F]

Two years ago, I came across a woman on a personals page looking to get away from her day to day. She needed some stress relief. Her post was well written and she did not want a regular bloke that she would normally come across on a personals page like this. She wanted to make sure that this was about her. I was very intrigued as she knew what she wanted. I crafted a witty and honest response to her post. I essentially wrote what I would do to her body; using my hands, my mouth, and tongue. It was pretty detailed and steamy. Normally how I write to be honest. I left it on a bit of a cliff-hanger. I wanted to see if she would read it and respond. I hit send, and continued on with my day.

She was in the heat of the moment. [M/F]

This is a continuation of my last story regarding Cara, “She wants to relive and share these memories.”

A couple of days go by since Cara and I had our first encounter in my apartment. We both were busy in our personal lives with work, the holidays, and her family. She would only be able to text me later in the evening when she had some free time on her hands. We would try to set up another meet up. Luckily our schedules aligned and she was free a couple days before Christmas. She told her husband that she needed to do some last-minute Christmas shopping for her colleagues at work. She was going to come over in the afternoon the next day.

I woke up the following morning with my usual morning wood. It was a lot harder that morning than previous ones. I knew I had a sexy milf coming over later that day. I hopped into the shower, groomed myself, and lightly organized my apartment. I got a text from Cara that she was a couple minutes away. I texted her back to let her know that I would wait in the lobby for her. She replies with a smiley face.

She wants to relive and share these memories. M/F

One of my first posts here was a personal story that involved meeting a woman to strictly eat her out, then leave. She did not want any small talk, and had me go straight to the bedroom. A woman messaged me a couple days after I posted about that story. She first asked if the story was true. I told her that every bit of it was true, and I still have not heard from her. Her second question was if I would like to do something like this again? Strictly pleasure a woman. I said that I would love to and I do not need any reciprocation. Her last question was if I can write about it and post it. I was very turned on by this. I said only if she wanted me to. She replied that she did and would like to review it before I post it. I gladly complied. She wanted to be known as Cara.