They’re Minerals Marie [oral][MF]

I shuffle papers on my desk when I hear a knock on the door. Come in. I say.

You've just finished cleaning up the mess your boyfriend left in the store. You know you’re going to be fired but are steeling yourself for the bad news.

Sit down Marie I say as you walk in my office. I clear my throat and say Now you know what happened out is just something I can’t tolerate. Too many times, you've been late or out the bad crying because of this boy. I wonder how much you really want this job. You have to keep your work life and your personal life separate. When you are here, you are doing what I need you to do.

I really hate to say it, because you are genuinely a good worker, trustworthy etc. But I think I need to let you go Marie.

You start to scrunch your face up. I really need this job, Sir. I know my boyfriend can be fiery, but that’s what I like about him, it’s a doubled edged sword. There must be some way that I can change your mind. Please, don’t make me beg! I’ll do anything. My face remains stern. I can’t see my mind changing on this. Your voice changes to be a little more flirty. There must be something I can do, to change your mind.