[M] 34 Embarrassing erection at the physiotherapists

Whos had an embarrassing accidental erection story? We’ve all had one, I know I’ve had a bunch growing up. But this one happened not too long ago and thought it was worthy of a share.

I definitely see myself as a normal, average kind of guy. I stand around 5ft 10, 155 lbs. I’m fairly fit, but I would not be lying if I said I was trending towards a nice dad bod. I’m married to a loving, amazing and supportive wife.

I was diagnosed with testicular cancer 4 years ago at the age of 30. It was an extremely hard and trying time for me. I had surgury to remove one of my testicles and went through an extensive 12 weeks of chemo. But I pushed through it with the help from my wife and friends. Life seems to be rebounding, there was a bit where I got in fairly good shape with a personal trainer (as I worked to get rid of the extra chemo weight). My sex drive however was almost non-existant for about a year post treatment. It has bounced back a bit, as me and my wife started experimenting and trying different things to spice up the love life.