[F4M] What’s the difference between Hungry & Horny?

Answer: Depends where you stick the cucumber.

Racy joke aside, how’s everyone enjoying their Saturday?

A little about me personally, I’m on hold currently from school as the world has ground to a screeching halt. I am hopelessly single but not through lack of trying: one or two experiences have left me heartbroken and perhaps generally broken to begin with…. so I am hibernating in more ways than one, and looking to indulge myself in my primal loves:

The premiere of these deep passions is *EROTICA*. Why erotica you ask a girl so young? Well, to be perfectly honest, my first ever encounter with the deviant was not curiously checking online for pornography, but rather finding an adult channel on T.V. my parents had neglected to block…. and there I found my first love: softcore. Erotic films that were heavy-handed in both *PLOT* as well as sensuality that porn to this day could never capture. I loved getting to know the characters before their clothes came off, whether they be jaded police officers, free-thinking strippers or bored housewives; sometimes you had to wait an entire hour before you saw them bare and nude but dammit was it worth it, and I loved the genre.

Saturday night’s alright for writing!

A very happy 4th of July to those celebrating!

A little about me personally, I’m on hold currently from school as the world has ground to a screeching halt. I am hopelessly single but not through lack of trying: one or two experiences have left me heartbroken and perhaps generally broken to begin with…. so I am hibernating in more ways than one, and looking to indulge myself in my primal loves:

The premiere of these deep passions is *EROTICA*. Why erotica you ask a girl so young? Well, to be perfectly honest, my first ever encounter with the deviant was not curiously checking online for pornography, but rather finding an adult channel on T.V. my parents had neglected to block…. and there I found my first love: softcore. Erotic films that were heavy-handed in both *PLOT* as well as sensuality that porn to this day could never capture. I loved getting to know the characters before their clothes came off, whether they be jaded police officers, free-thinking strippers or bored housewives; sometimes you had to wait an entire hour before you saw them bare and nude but dammit was it worth it, and I loved the genre.

Well my dog chewed my vibrator…. again.

This literally sounds like the most X-rated excuse why I didn’t finish my homework.

We honestly live and die by our pets, but right now I may actually die because of my pet. My lovely little German Shepard pup is growing like a weed and decided that ‘Leonardo’ (yeah it’s got a name, I’m not a damn savage) resembled a plastic pink bone…. and well, now I’m on my own this evening for pleasure.

So might as well reach out into the Redditverse for help in scratching this proverbial ‘itch.’ If you’ve got a pen for hire and a kink for satisfying needy bitches, then I might be for you tonight. My favorite thing is to cruise through the Literoricas of the world and find a fantasy that I can sink my teeth into….. much like Daisy did to poor Leonardo. I love richly painted tapestries of gorgeous settings and the beautiful people who populate it, with just enough realism to make it feel not so much like porn.

I came here to wear clothes and be wooed by erotica… and I’m All outta clothes.

….And all out of bubble gum too now that I think of it.

A little about me personally, I’m on hold currently from school as the world has ground to a screeching halt. I am hopelessly single but not through lack of trying: one or two experiences have left me heartbroken and perhaps generally broken to begin with…. so I am hibernating in more ways than one, and looking to indulge myself in my primal loves:

The premiere of these deep passions is *EROTICA*. Why erotica you ask a girl so young? Well, to be perfectly honest, my first ever encounter with the deviant was not curiously checking online for pornography, but rather finding an adult channel on T.V. my parents had neglected to block…. and there I found my first love: softcore. Erotic films that were heavy-handed in both *PLOT* as well as sensuality that porn to this day could never capture. I loved getting to know the characters before their clothes came off, whether they be jaded police officers, free-thinking strippers or bored housewives; sometimes you had to wait an entire hour before you saw them bare and nude but dammit was it worth it, and I loved the genre.

Sporting nothing but a brass toe ring…. seeking an erotic wordsmith, not a horny pretender.

So my title rings true, I’m currently sitting haplessly across my bed in my childhood room as my parents watch a re-run of Wheel of Fortune downstairs… and I am as bare as the day I entered this world… well, save for the brass toe ring given to me from an ex from high school.

I may seem young, naive even but I am far from anything you’ve ever seen or known, and once this tongue begins talking, you’ll give me anything I want and you’ll do it with a sly grin on your face. Plus I’m young so that’s appealing too, right?

My ask is simple: I’m a huge fan of erotica, not roleplay or telling me how you’re “gunna fuq me”. No, I’m talking about long, eloquently written tales meant to dazzle the mind and excite the extremities…. and I want them to be written all for me, based on the fantasies in my head. I want every environment richly detailed in luscious paragraphing, down to the last crack in the floorboard. I want every character fleshed out for pages until we get to the dimple above their buttocks, and I want everything described in the most expensive vocabulary that will have my toe ring slip off before the night is through.

Happy FRIDAY THE SEXTEENTH everyone! Let’s celebrate!

Yes, it’s the start of summer but you know what June has really been missing? A holiday, and not just any dull one like President’s Day or whatever the hell Labor Day is…. I want a day to be sexy, to be erotic. I’m talking Friday The Sexteenth!

Okay, so maybe I’ve had a little too much time on my hands since the world shut down and maybe I’m just itching for that last bit of opening to happen and the clubs to open up to sate this libido… but hell, why not celebrate? Hi, I’m Kali, almost 30 and zany enough to be sixteen again with a passion for writing and the ignorant bright eyes of being published one day. I suppose that’s been a small blessing of this pandemic: stowing the dating apps and finally opening that manuscript…. Yes Daddy, it’s a real job.