The Hot But [F]orbidden Fruit; [M]y Exes Brother P2

I’m obviously enjoying writing and sharing this, not to mention making myself wet reliving it, so i decided to pretty much get straight on writing the next bit.

So i woke up the day i was supposed to pick Sam up from the airport excited and nervous and a little concerned that things would be weird, we hadn’t seen each other since before this started. I drove to pick him up and couldn’t stop staring at him, i couldn’t look away from the way his body moved against his clothing. I tried to snap myself out of it when i found out his aunt and uncle had arranged to have breakfast with him, which of course i’d be going to as i was his ride home.

Sam and i (naturally) sat next to each other and soon i felt his leg brushing against mine, which sent a jolt straight between my legs and made me catch my breath, as ridiculous as that sounded from such a small touch. At that point i knew there wasn’t going to be awkwardness, and that we were going to be fine, however that didn’t answer the question of how we were going to get away with it. I began to press my leg back against his, and soon felt his hand lightly caressing my thigh, which sent me out of my mind. I began to feel my juices soaking my panties, and excused myself before things became obvious to his aunt and uncle.

The Hot But [F]orbidden Fruit; [M]y Exes Brother.

I’m sure we’ve all experienced that sexual tension that’s likely only so strong because it’s immoral to follow through, and this is one of those situations.

Sam had admitted to feelings for me before i dated my ex, but after something was already developing between me and my ex so i kindly turned him down, which was discussed between the 3 of us. Problems arose in the relationship i was in, and eventually we decided being friends was a much better fit for us.

After months had passed, i began to notice Sam being a lot more comfortable with me due to not worrying about stepping on his younger brothers toes, although we had always been close. My newfound freedom and large sexual appetite often left me fleetingly wondering what it would be like to more with Sam. I brushed this off and squashed it down, ignoring it.

As Sam became more physically comfortable with me he, he began to not think twice about wearing nothing but a towel draped low around his hips after a shower which to my surprise turned me on immensely, and i couldn’t believe how attractive his body was to me. That image became my guilty pleasure and often arose in my head whilst i was pleasuring myself. I began to look forward to seeing him like this, and to enjoy the touches that passed between us that i was sure i read more into than he did.