As usual, scroll to the dashes to skip the back story and get straight to the sex. Sorry about the formatting, I’m on mobile.
I was in around my mid 20s when this story took place. I was in what ended up being a short but intense relationship with a guy who I’ll call Kyran. He was a soft spoken, unassuming sort of guy at face value, who I soon learned would ricochet between near narcissism and crushing insecurity. He was quite conventionally attractive, and he did competitive athletics at a pretty high level, so he had a great body. Despite this, he still carried himself with a self-consciousness which seemed to be leftover from having had braces and terrible acne in high school. He was also emotionally labile and very hot and cold with me, which ultimately led to the end of our brief relationship. In hindsight, dating him was a questionable decision, but did lead to some interesting sexual experiences.