Quite a Greeting

My stomach flip flopped in tight knots as I waited. Checking and rechecking that everything was carefully arranged. That my hair and makeup were flawless. Trying in vain to distract myself every so often at the computer, but giving up when I realized I had scrolled through the screen without reading a single thing. So I got up to pace and recheck everything once more. As my stomach continued to knot, I silently chided myself for getting ready so early, knowing that it would be a long wait and likely take longer than Google Maps projected. Sporadic text messages kept me some company. But I was otherwise only entertained by my anxiety and wild imagination getting away from me on all the things that might go wrong once that door opened. I’d already gotten the update that it was taking longer than expected. That was an hour ago. It was taking everything in me to not pace in the entryway, instead the apartment shone as every little detail was addressed each time my panic rose to critical mass.

Good Mornin

Intoxicated on alcohol and bad decisions that threatened to overflow the precipice they tottered on so carelessly, it was all happening so fast. Strong arms and a quick goodbye turned into lips meeting instead as those arms started to draw away. Lips that met with instant chemistry, the taste of something genuinely wonderful, the start or as was more likely the case, the end of something amazing. It was hard to be anything more than that kiss and the soft texture of those lips when the alcohol rode her awareness and dampened it. So for several breathless moments the only thing that existed was the touch of those lips, not even able to control the gentle moans that escaped her each time the kiss deepened and took on a frenzied tempo anew. Hands hovered and threatened, cupping the air just above the curve of her breasts, but remained tightly withheld. Just their lips meeting over and over as if they would quench this inexplicable thirst with just that kiss.

“I have to go.” Did she only imagine the reluctance in his voice? Was her desperate sub conscious only teasing her with the impossible possibility.