How I [F] got face fucked by my teacher [M] (Part 2)

A couple weeks after were extremely weird. I just felt embarrased by what happened. This was something I truly hated: I’ve always felt uncomfortable a few minutes after having sex or masturbating. I felt guilty and ashamed and I never even knew why. Deep down, I knew I liked being face fucked by my teacher, but I tried my best to put it behind me. I was still attending classes regularly and I saw him about 4 times a week. I had so much trouble looking him in the eyes and just participating in class… It probably goes without saying that I stopped talking to him after class and just avoiding him as much as I could, which was quite noticeable.

This went on for a couple weeks. As usual, I’d try to put everything in my bag and leave the classroom as soon as possible, but as I was leaving, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Oh fuck.” I muttered.

“Close the door please, we should talk.” He said in a calm voice, not sounding like the person who face fucked me not so long ago.

How I [F] got face fucked by my teacher [M]

It was my last year in highschool and I had just turned 18 two months before school started again. A little description: Short, dyed brown hair and blue eyes, fit, F cup breasts and a somewhat large ass.

English class has always been my favorite, but after I came into the classroom, I saw my teacher. He was arguably the worst teacher in my school, as told by my friends who had him the year before. During class, he’d just yell at everyone. One of the things I hated the most were his so called “jokes”, which were just borderline mean. He would always say how he’s the boss in the classroom, not us. Also, he’d always expect us to use “sir” when responding to him. It just seemed as if he had trouble controlling his private life and tried to bring back that control by sort of “dominating” his students.

Despite him acting that way in class, he was actually really nice. I’d sometimes talk to him after class and he’d read my writing and give me feedback on it.