Sex in a Compact Car [MF]

if you’re just here to read about the hot stuff, go to the line break!
if you like a bit of set up, and a description of your people, read on!

While I know thinking about an emotionally manipulative ex isn’t the best thing for me mentally, I do have to say…the sex life was great. We were just 18 at the time, about to get out of high school and experience the world for the first time. There were so many things I wanted to try once I got to college: beer, college parties, keeping my grades up, so on. I know these are tame, but I wasn’t exactly the most “outgoing” type and my friends certainly weren’t either. We had 140+ students in our graduating class, so everyone had dirt on everyone, and everyone knew the dirty details of everyone’s lives. I didn’t know what to expect then, when a girl from my high school DM’ed me on Instagram in October.