[M]y late best friend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it

This is the lurid tale of how I’m possibly one of the luckiest men alive. I know what you’re thinking, every dude that’s gotten laid in the history of mankind has some story about how he had the most mind blowing sex of his life once. And while that definitely applies to this story, this isn’t just a juicy hook up tale. I’m talking about one of those one in a billion, lightning striking the same hair on a gnat’s ass twice kind of tales.

But first I need to give you guys a little history and context. I’m sorry its long, but I promise I’ll get to the juicy stuff as fast as I can. If you’re a horny little fuck like me you can scroll down to the good bits.

My best friend growing up, Sam, and I were always very close and open about our sexual experiences. Our brotherly bond and competitive nature made for a constant game of one-up. He had sex with his girl in his car? I’d do it in the highschool parking lot. I did it at night? He’d do it on lunch break. This game went on for years leading to many an orgies, some shared FWB situations, and many more tales of toe curling. The point is we egged each other on to explore and get outside our comfort zones, and it’s one of the things I miss dearly about him