[M]y adventures with married Girlfriend [MF] (PART 4 The Back Door Man)

Reminiscing on some of the most scandalous and tumultuous times in my life has been a roller coaster of emotions for me. This particular story is a rough one because of all the ups and downs I went through and shared with my brother. Remembering Sam in his prime is particularly therapeutic after all these years. I always celebrate him, but retelling these stories makes me miss that goofy son of a bitch something fierce. Thank you to all that have reached out with condolences and encouragement. You guys make writing about our debaucherous deeds so much fun!

Back to the current story! If you want to start from the beginning here’s [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uul2zh/my_adventures_with_a_married_girlfriend_mf/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) . If you don’t feel like reading all that history, I’ll give you the cliff notes. I started seeing my married coworker Ali while in a dead relationship waiting to move out of the apartment I shared with my girlfriend Lisa and best friend Sam. Ali and I were extremely sexually compatible and the emotional connection between us was only getting stronger.

Shortly after Ali had laid claim to me I decided to call it quits with Lisa ahead of schedule. My conscience was cleared of any obligations I might have had to a dead relationship. We still lived together but that was the extent our interactions.

How a bathroom break at a party turned into an Orgy [Group]

Alright you horny little bastards, by popular request, it’s a Sam and J story! I’m taking a break from writing about my foray in dating married women for a couple days. Alot of the Journaling I did back then was pretty triggering to revisit, so Im doing some selfcare and taking my time to make sure I get it all laid out in a coherent manner. Don’t worry, I’ll still finish the story, just needed a breather from all that history.

So if you don’t know who Sam is, I wrote about him here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/um6jns/my_late_best_friend_wrote_my_sexual_bucket_list/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/um6jns/my_late_best_friend_wrote_my_sexual_bucket_list/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

We were both 23 at the time of this story. I’m 6’3″ and lean with decent muscle tone from physical labor, some tattos and blonde hair. Sam was 6’6″ and had a pretty similar description to mine, he’d spent some time in the military and worked security with me at a popular college night club. We got called twins all the time, and even though we weren’t blood related, we considered ourselves brothers.

[M]y adventures with a married girlfriend [MF] (PART 3)

So I done did it again guys, sorry. Just kidding, no I’m not! Cliff hangers are like good head. Just enough of a tease you want to beg for more.

In the last part I had just finished exhausting myself finishing into Ali after a super hot, late night, after work, no holds barred bang session. I was sitting on the floor covered in sweat and love juices when I got a text from my girlfriend Lisa that she needed me at home.”Oh shit, are you in trouble?” Ali was still panting but sounded concerned.

“No it’ll be fine, probably just Sam causing a scene.”

“Alright. Let’s get you cleaned up so you can go take care of it. Do you think you’ll be able to come back? I’m not finished with you yet.” She sounded so wicked threatening me like that in her soft gentle voice.

I had to laugh as she knelt over me with the towel. I wiped my face off, stood up, then clutched her by the throat again giving her a long slow kiss, pinning her against the arm of the couch in the process.

[M]y adventures with a married girlfriend [MF] (PART 2)

Alright, I know what you’re thinking. That J dude is a dick. He wrote a long winded buildup last time, barely wrote anything about the naughty bits, and left us on a cliff hanger. Just relax and trust me, the fun has just begun.

So I had just gotten finished having the most aggressive and fulfilling sex with my coworker while my girlfriend was out of town when she dropped a massive bomb on me. She was married.

“Your fucking what?” I actually said that part.

“Yea, I’m married. I thought you knew! I’m friends with Jason’s wife. Figured he would have told you.” She was talking about the club owner.

“I don’t really bring you up in conversation with him unless it’s about work. He’s pretty busy as it is. Glad I know now though…”

The dull roar of blood rushing in my ears was now renewed as my emotions turned from post-coitus ecstasy to a mixture of fear, anger, and regret. After years of self reflection on that moment, I realized it was the shock of the news more than anything that made me feel like that. I’d come around but at the moment I wanted to be literally anywhere but there.

[M]y adventures with a married Girlfriend [MF]

Since my last story of misbehavior was so well received, I figured I’d crack open the vault and share some of my other deeds of dick delivery.

So more than a few years ago I was a bouncer at a local night club, living in a loft apartment above. I lived there with my girlfriend at the time, a good friend, and the infamous Sam.

At the time this all happened, I was 22, freshly rid of an extra 50lbs, and working at a popular night club as a bouncer with Sam. My girlfriend at the the time, Lisa, lived with Sam and I in an apartment above the club. Sam was fresh out of the military, and I was fresh out of fucks to give.

Lisa and I did not have a healthy relationship. We’d been together for a little over 2 years at this point, and It was currently a toxic shit show of insecurities, infidelity, and a mutual determination to be the bigger person. At the time of this story, I found out years later, she was seeing and sleeping with other people on a regular basis. I was on the verge of looking else where for validation and intimacy, but our lease still had a couple months left so I thought I’d ride it out and pull the chord when it came time to move out.

[M]y late best friend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MFF](PART 6 The Finale)

Alright! You made it through to the finale! Im so glad I journaled alot of this so I could put it all into one collective recounting of this amazing time in my life. You guys are awesome and I definitely plan to share some of the tales of mischief Sam and I used to get into aswell, but first let’s finish this one out.

So when we left of I had been playing the FWB milk man to my bi besties, Sara and Kaley, for a little over a month. We had all gone on a camping trip with friends that soon turned to gonewild with the help of some mild hallucinogenic fungi, beer, and a whole lot of sexual tension. Unfortunately we couldn’t seal the deal without the other campers interrupting. Sara had approached me with a proposition that would finally help me complete my bucket list challenge from Sam.

The rest of the day after the camping trip I spent cleaning my house, composing playlists, watching my phone, and succumbing to rabid bouts of masterbation. I mostly edged myself seeing just how far I could take it before I couldn’t stand it anymore. It was almost evening by the time I got a call from Kaley.

[M]y late bestfriend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MFF] (PART 5 Campfire Stories)

Hello everyone! Thanks for following along so far. I’ve enjoyed each and everyone of you horny souls commenting, encouraging, and feeding my praise kink. I really appreciate all of you. I’m having so much fun writing every little thing I can remeber down in this sordid tale, and I hope you’re loving it too!

In the last part I had taken Sara out for a motorcycle ride, then took HER for one on the side of my bed. She’d shown me a softer submissive side she kept hidden from the public, and I took the opportunity to have my way with her (completely consensual of course) while her girlfriend Kaley was out of town.

After dropping Sara off I drove back to my house to clean up the mess we had made in my room. My sheets were still soaking wet from the geyser she made.

I’ll be honest. I buried my face in those sheets. The smell was sweet, like her pussy was still right in front of my face, it drove me nuts. I felt dirty, filthy even, taking deeps breaths into them trying to committ the smell to memory. I made my bed with a fresh set and carried the soiled ones to the laundry room. Sniffing them all the way there.

[M]y late bestfriend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MF] (PART 4 Motorcycle Diaries)

As always, thanks in advance for reading along, if you’re just getting started here’s part 1! This one’s a little bit longer, but I felt the details relevant for all you horny fuckers following the story. I promise the build up is worth it.

In the last part I had been held as the willing captive via witchcraft of Ms. Kaley while her girlfriend Sara was away for the weekend. She had taken possession of my soul through some Voodoo ritual involving her mouth, ice, and of course music. Followed by many hours of sexy escapades and dehydration.

All caught up? Sweet.

So after my solo Sunday morning adventure for a chat with Sam, life returned to its usual rhythm for a few weeks. A little anti-climactic, I know, but this is just the interlude. Bare with me.

Finals week fast came and went, summer was in full effect. Front yard frat parties, the mass exodus of students going home for the summer, sun burn, and stale beer wafting on the campus breeze.

[M]y late bestfriend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MF] (PART 3 The Musical)

Welcome back and thanks again for following along! I promise this one gets straight into the good stuff. Previous parts linked at the bottom

So I had just been ridden by a real flesh and blood sex magician, but didn’t finish. Kaley, who had shown me a side of her I never could have imagined, and may as well have had me on a leash at this point. She literally did as she had her hand down my pants while I drove us home.

Not once during the ride home did she remove her hand from my throbbing cock. She rolled it around in her fingers, rubbing her thumb around the tip in slow circles.

“Ya know, I never got to thank you for taking taking Sara to the hospital” said at a stoplight.

I was concentrating hard trying not to make eye contact with the driver to my left, and also on the velvety fingers exploring the inside of my pants.

“Oooooh, so that’s what this is about?”

“Naaah, I’ve wanted to ever since Erica sent us a picture of your dick.”

[M]y late best friend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MF] (PART 2)

Welcome back for part 2! Heres [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/um6jns/my_late_best_friend_wrote_my_sexual_bucket_list/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) . I’m having so much fun writing this whole thing out. I’ve been a constant horny mess at work this week reliving the events in my mind. I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am!

To recap, I was smoking a joint on my porch with my 2 bi besties when things got real hot, real fast. Sara, with her girlfriend Kaley’s cum still wet on her face, had just oraly exercised the demons from my semen while Kaley rolled us another joint upstairs in my house.

After having finished the second spliff, the air outside started to cool off so I walked them home. After hugging good bye and receiving the deadliest of smiles from Sara I headed back myself.

I’d be lying if I told you I went straight to bed. Instead I stayed up riding the waves of hormones and fantasies, masterbating feverishly, while shooting out desperate 2 am “you up?” texts.My pornogrpahic memories were only interrupted by thoughts to myself like

“Dude Sam, are you up there pulling some strings for me? Or are you downstairs playing a horrible