>**DISCLAIMER: This story is mostly a long string of increasingly obvious missed signals that could have ended in sex but didn’t. There technically is sex at the end, but it’s a very long journey for the level of payoff.**
>**This still entertains me. I’m really into detail and intimacy, plus it can be fun looking back on the good bits of your own life with a storyteller’s eye, but compared to the usual this stuff is practically anti-porn.**
>**If all you’re interested in is hardcore fucking, then** ~~GET AWAY FROM ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!~~ **you may like to skip over this one.**
**- WEEK 4? – FOREPLAY?**
We were at my place, sitting on the floor in the common room. A housemate had showed us a clip of something, and expressed some sort of opinion on it. *** disagreed emphatically. My friend doubled down. They both looked at me to break the tie.
I considered the arguments they had made, and delivered my verdict.
‘You’re on his side? Shock and betrayal!’, *** shoved me playfully with one arm.