PART 2: I [M] blacked out at a party and got walked in on with two [FF] I didn’t know and the story doesn’t stop there

Okay I’m back by popular demand to finish the rest of my story. As I commented in the first post, I wont be posting the videos since I was unaware of the trouble that could get me into (s/o to the good Samaritan redditors out there). And no I don’t care if you think its fake because theres no proof, and no I wont send you the videos privately because “I can trust you” lol. So please save the hate and the hot girl catfish dms that think I’ll risk it all for some 2008 android nudes you got off the internet.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, if you’d like to check out the first story to catch up here is the link: [](

So to set the new scene, this happened in the same year 10 months later during the week of Thanksgiving. I’m from a smaller town where everyone tries to flee after they graduate but then everyone flocks back to crowd the bars once its the holidays and it’s always a big reunion. Now 10 months doesn’t seem like a super long time but there were a lot of shifts in my friend group from New Years to then. People moved away for work, couples broke up, drama ensued as it usually does with people under 25.

I [M] blacked out at a party and got walked in on with two [FF] I didn’t know and the story doesn’t stop there

So to set the scene, this was last year on New Years Eve and my buddy was throwing a party at his place. Our friends were always over there drinking since he has a pretty big house to himself (4 bedrooms) and most of the time his roommate is out of town for work.

Our normal group of friends was there and it was shaping up to be a fun normal party, nothing too crazy. As the alcohol continued to flow, my memory got more and more hazy but here is how I remember things to have played out and filled in with what I was told by my friends. (Names are fake)

So there I am having a good time with the boys, playing some drinking games feeling a good buzz. In walks Ava, my ex girlfriend of 2 years and it’s like an anxiety train runs right into my body. Her and I have a long past and it’s best we just stay away from each other but now she’s here and in order to chill, I hit the booze even harder. She shows up with 3 other girls and 2 other dudes, none of them I really know. About an hour goes by (I think?) and everything is fine, we just ignore each other and life is okay. Then, I see it. She’s flirting with a guy right in front of me and giving me some side eye like she knows what she’s doing.