“The Loophole” – [MF – teacher/student]

Hi everyone. I’m a little new here. I posted a Red Sonja fanfic a few years back however I’m mainly a comic book artist famous for my “Little Lorna” character. I am trying to transition into illustrated stories as I love drawing and story telling and thought this would be a different way to tell a story.

I mostly do stories about Little Lorna and guys who creep on her. As a woman, I have had my share of guys creeping on me, especially older men and growing up in the 80s and 90s, guys were a lot less reserved about their intentions.

Anyways, I hope I am not breaking any rules here because my kinks are sometimes a little (or a lot) taboo but I try and always put a sweet, fun and humorous side to my fictional world. I know that this group does not allow images but do you allow links to the illustrated story?



Red Sonja [rape] [rough] [noncon] [fanfic]


Red Sonja felt betrayed by herself as she slowly woke from her euphoric slumber. Her mind had just been rudely stirred from a beautiful dream which she did not want to leave. Although the details of the dream were fading from her memory the lingering sensation that she so rarely had the opportunity to experience was one that she fought to return to. It was a blissful peace that was now being replaced by the horrific memories of the battle she had just been in. Her fragility in this half-sleep state made it difficult to process the contrast of this terror that was creeping back into her mind and she could feel herself slipping into a panic.

However, slowly the fog of sleep left her and she grew more and more lucid and with that so did her strength to once again adeptly block out the trauma of post battle. The details of the battle were still clouded in a dizzy fog but she was sure they would soon return to her memory once she had cleared the cobwebs out of her head. Red Sonja’s physical prowess made her a great warrior however it was her will to endure the horror of combat that truly was her greatest asset.