[M]Perks of the job

For the last 12 months I have been working reading water meters. Its a pretty decent job I walk around all day listening to podcasts or music I dont mind it at all. I walk about 8 to 12 kms a day so I do a fair bit of walking in the week which keeps me pretty fit.

One day about 6 weeks ago I was halfway through my day and I went into a pretty basic yard to collect the read on a metre when the dog a size of a horse came running out pretty quick. Now dogs are the worst thing about my work they are either aggressive or jumpy or both. Anyway this horse/dog comes bounding out barking at me and I am ready to fucking sprint the fence was to high to jump but I was ready to move. This girl comes screaming out after the dog calling him back which to my great relief it did. Im standing there my hand on the gate ready to run my heart going pretty quick. I turn and go back to my work and collect the read. She is standing on her balcony with this giant dog bounding about still watching my pretty closely, she looks pretty apologetic I tried to compose my self when she pretty shockingly asked if I wanted a coffee or something, I gave it some thought and said no to the coffee but water would be great. She went back inside has her dog followed and I stood outside waiting after about a minute she comes back out and says “Are you coming in?” I was suprised but followed her in. She apologised and introduced her self as Linn I for the first time really took notice of her she told me she was from Norway in a thickish accent. She was about 5’5 or so typical blonde hair for that region I assume, blue eyes, quite petite and what looked like a tan she had been working on.

[M] Anal fun with a lesbian friend.

So I am in self isolation and time is proving to be a difficult concept to understand, I am pretty bored and have enjoyed writing here so thought I would keep recounting some tails of mine.

This one took place a couple of years ago I was 26 just out of a long term relationship and trying to get back into being single again. I met we will call her Sally at a pub one night and we had a few drinks exchanged numbers and went out on drinking with our friends. We met up 2 weeks later just us to have more drinks.

We met up and had some drinks and flirty banter. It turned out that Sally hadn’t been on a date with a guy for 3 years after dating women and she was seeing about guys again after leaving a bad relationship a few months earlier. Sally is about 5’7 or so, flaming red hair with the matching freckles, pale blue eyes, smaller sized tits and a thick ass and set of legs. I being a huge fan of red heads was very much into her.

Met a divorced mum from tinder [M]

Hey First time poster.

As a single guy aged 27 I like most guys was on Tinder for a few different reasons. One Thursday after work I was swiping away and matched up with a 43 yr old woman named Jen for story purposes.

After breaking up with my long term GF about 2 yrs earlier I had grown to really enjoy being with and meeting older women. Jen though was the oldest by a few yrs. We chatted and had some back and forth nothing to serious just some flirty fun and I asked if I could buy her a drink some time. She replied that she had vodka at her place and we could just meet there. I of course was fine with that and we agreed to meet the next Monday.

I went to her place on the Monday night and we chatted and each had some vodka. Jen was divorced with grown kids she was 43 and lived a 20 meter walk from the beach. She was about 5’8 blonde with really blue eyes a really nice tan mixed with some nice freckles, she had very nice breasts but her crowning glory as it were was her just incredible ass she wore a lovely white flowy cotton dress. The chat turned a bit more flirty and we had a dance to some Anderson Paak.