[MF] Punk Rock Chick + Blindfold + Restraint = Oh my, what a night!

In the past, I tried writing about this night but I didn’t have a lot of detail. Oh, sexy stuff after the *****

A few years ago, I was dating this cute little punk rock chick who we will call Julia. Now, there are a few things that are my kryptonite (or that get me all wobbly and giddy): one of those is punk rock/rocker chicks. I just love the edginess of it, at least when compared to me. I’m just a basic geeky white guy who loves to read about history, so it does not take much to be more ‘edgy’ than me. Julia, she had that down. She played in a punk band and had tattoos, jean jacket, ripped leggings. Punk rock hair cut. Just, ‘hot damn’ from top to bottom. Oh, and that bottom… she had this curvy little ass….

As for me, I am brown haired and blue eyed with glasses. 5’9 and 180lbs. At the time this happened I was about 34.