Definitely Fuck [M/F 30s] [Consent] [Fingering] [Cheat] [Friends]

“So, how are things on the home front this week,” Jason called over his shoulder as stood at Katie’s sink. He smiled to himself as he heard Katie’s footsteps approaching from the opposite room.

“I bet you can gueeesssss,” Katie chirped in sing-song as she bounced through the kitchen with the laundry basket held to her shapely hip.

“That bad, eh?”

Best friends since childhood, Katie and Jason had a long standing tradition of meeting up once a week to work on household chores, house projects, and to generally bitch about life, the meaning of the universe, and everything in between.

“You know those dishes you are doing?” Katie’s voice rose a timbre as Jason’s snarky comment had reminded her of just how she was with her husband, Adam. “I have practically been begging Adam to do them since Monday! That’s three days of him ignoring me!”

Jason sucked air through his teeth in grimace as he leaned into the sink and picked up the last dirty plate from the dishwater. “Yiiiikes. At least it wasn’t four days?” A playful smile spread across his face.