Friday night my parents were in town for a few days and with lack of overnight babysitting usually this was the perfect time to go get a hotel and have a date night. That’s where the problems started … dinner and a movie? Boring and who wants to sit in a theater right now! Dinner and drinks, not that exciting really. Then she says what about going out to the club! Bingo now that’s an idea I can get into.
Five minutes later I am so excited as it’s been like two months since our last adventure that I find myself master baiting in the bed room and have a great O but three minutes later I am ready to go again. I reach out to my wife to see if she has time and she joins me in the room for another 20 minutes of great sex. I take her from behind, then move over to the corner of the bed and she has a few good ones but I don’t really want to come again yet so we take a break until later.