[request/question] Is this a good place to find authors for commission? Where is?

I’m looking for someone who can write me a NSFW story that I have all the details of characters and what I want. The only thing is. I don’t want to write it. Im not looking for some obscene word count and I’ll be okay with any tweaks you make to the characters and story. It deals with Femdom and A Bisexual threesome. So hopefully you can enjoy that. If this isn’t the place to be asking for commissions. Where is? Where can I find a good place for that

What a night. part 2

As she rests the ice cube in her mouth. I grab the clothes pins. And put one on each of her very erect nipples. She, again, whimpers. Yes. She is in pain. I can tell. But its also a very erotic experience. She’s loving it. I grab the spatula resting on my dresser. “Bend over” i command. She does so almost immediately. I stare at her ass for a bit. Rubbing in gently. She starts to moan, the ice cube still stoping her from speaking

I wind up my hand just a bit. And land a hard smack on her ass with the spatula. She winces again. This one worse than the others. I do a few smacks like this one. She moans and winces. You can tell she’s loving it. And so am I. After a few smacks i see her ass grow red. I wind up and lay down a VERY hard and loud slap. The pain amd pleasure was too much for her. The ice cube breaks as she moans loudly.

“Does kitten enjoy her spanking” -M

“Yes master” -N

“Well, i think kitten has had enough punishment for now” -M

What a night. Part 1

It was a calm sunday, towards the evening. My girlfriend and I were texting each other. While it was easy to go and visit her. For some reason or another. I was still at my house. We were going back and forth on plans for her birthday. “M” is my sybol. And “N” is her symbol

“Yeah, a movie, dinner and then something else” -M

“Mmmm i wonder what that extra something is ?” -N

“Maybe you’ll be my dessert” -M

I said this jokingly, but in the back of my head. Somewhere in me. I was hoping she’d love it. Because in actuality she is Delicious. I love licking her, sucking on her nipples, tasting all of her jucies. The succulent and sweet taste of my love. The way she screams in pleasure as my toung… *Bzzz Bzzz* My phone vibrates

“Maybe i could be, But don’t tease me when its still over a month away” -N

Thats true. It wasn’t even september yet. And her birthday was early october.

“Ugh! You’re right. I cant believe I have to wait that long to do….well…YOU” -M

“Well… Maybe you won’t have to wait THAT long” -N

So Mean (very short post)

I stared down at her, my hands clutching at the blanket draped across her bed. She looked up at me, smiling as much as she could with her mouth wrapped around my cock. The heat in my cheeks rose with that smile.

“Good,” I gave her small praise. “You’re so good at this, babe.” She blushed, flicking the tip of my head with her tongue. My eyes watched in amazement as a string of saliva fell from her mouth.

I leaned back, taking in the pleased sounds she was making. The fresh sunlight of dawn fell onto my face. I felt her hands trail along my stomach as she sucked harder, moving up my erection to the tip of my head. The amount of pressure she put there made me bolt upright, my fingers entangling in her hair. I could feel the release building up.

“I-I’m so close,” my voice trembled. I knew this was a mistake to say, because the moment I said this, she slowly slid off and flicked me in the balls.