My Married [F]WB’s Sexual Desires…[MF]

Heya fellow redditors!

Josh here again and I’ve got another story to share with you all! Anyway, I had this friend, Ava, in college who was technically my girlfriend but I’d never asked her to be mine and that conversation rarely came up. We hooked up a lot of times, we cuddled, went on dates, typical gf/bf stuff. In my head when I was with her, I thought we could just cross that bridge when it came.

After college I got my job and she got hers in a city nearby mine and we sort of just ended it. We texted and snapped each other a frequently after that but it was just as mutual friends, nothing sexual. She had a boyfriend and they were very serious, even had a kid, and the boyfriend even went as far as proposing to her.

Fast forward October 2019 and she and her boyfriend get married, separate in less than 2 months, and then get back together around February 2020. We talked more during her split as she needed an emotional friend and I didn’t try to make any moves as she was very weak emotionally. The now husband and her got along pretty well and they get a place in the my city. Fast forward again March 2020 and the marriage is already rocky.

I fucked a married, sex deprived client and she turned me into her FWB… [MF]

Heya fellas!

Josh here and I’ve read a couple of these stories so far and decided it was time to write my own. So I work for this large physiotherapy and healing company and deal with many clients with problems with their body from day to day. I’ve worked with women and men but its usually women who are my clients. (Nothing like this has ever happened before with me until that point and nothing with others in my company with similar positions to my knowledge.) I’m a pretty good looking man, I work out and I don’t really struggle in the women’s area. I was 24 when this happened and I’m 25 now. I’ve always been the type to avoid hookups and likes a long-time relationship. All this happened pre-lockdown by the way.