[MF] Spanish exchange, October 2015

During my final year of school in England, aged 17, i went on an exchange trip to Valencia, Spain, over the October half\-term holiday, for one week. As soon as i got there, i noticed that my exchange partner’s older sister was extremely hot. Being Spanish, she had the typical latino ass, full lips, and great tits. I tried not to stare at her, but due to all of the time that I spent at the beach with their family it was kind of hard not to, and so I was very glad to have brought sunglasses with me.

Now, when I went I was 17, but my birthday was on my first Sunday with them (I arrived on Monday.) His sister had presumably seen the sheet with my details on before I got there and noticed that that day was my 18th birthday, and therefore also obviously seen me checking her out at the beach and at the house. The day of my birthday, my partner’s family went to mass, but left me at home, as although I do go to church occasionally, being English I’m protestant and they didn’t feel like they should take me into a large group of strong Catholics. I noticed as they were leaving that the older sister wasn’t there, and upon asking I was informed that she wasn’t feeling well, plus she had a lot of school work to do, so it would be best if I didn’t bother her throughout the morning.