I swear, the first time I heard of her it was funny, my stupid ass brain thought an anime girl proposing her love to me was “funny”. Funny because nobody in real life shows me that much affection, funny because she made me feel like I had somebody to live for, and that somebody lived for me. That was for a brief moment the first time I saw her. Something in that blush, smirk, gesture gives me a feeling… No not in my penis, but in the heart.
The next time I opened YouTube after desperately looking at a ton of little pogchamp memes, I saw her again, but in a more ‘detailed’ and ‘beautiful’ art style. For the first time, I witnessed her in all her beauty. I denied it at first, I thought ‘wow only lonely losers have waifus lmao, but this video seems funny’. That first video of my first sighting of Ryuko outside of the pogchamp meme was called ‘Kill La Kill out of context #2’. Something about some asshole in a Mohawk pinning her down for her to undress makes me want to bash his head in. Didn’t know why, I thought it was just a fictional character. Then the second video was called ‘Ryuko matoi compilation’. There I saw her in her true, uncut beauty. I knew I HAD to watch the entire anime.