My [F]irst butt plug, and the third fuck of my first solo vaction [FM]

Everyone that I spoke to about traveling alone said that using Tinder was a great way to meet people. I already have a tinder, so I edited my profile to add that I was visiting Berlin and looking for people or groups to meet up with. Otherwise, I left it the same. My tinder profile is upfront about my sexuality and interest in kink and specifically D/s roleplay. In pictures I present as femme and quite vanilla, so my hope is that my self-description weeds out folks who are looking for a more vanilla relationship or sexual encounter. I always swipe left on these ‘visiting New York!” profiles at home, so I didn’t have a lot of hope.

On Friday morning, just after I landed, I came across a profile: let’s call him Matthew. Matthew is an attorney in Berlin. He was cute, a little older than me, and I wasn’t being picky – I swiped right. He quickly messaged me:

“Great photos. Are you spontaneous? I’m leaving Berlin tonight until Monday evening.”
“I like to think I’m logically spontaneous.”
“We could meet this afternoon. I’m curious about your kinks. Are you into BDSM as well?”
“Correct, hence the ‘bratty toy’.”
“I’d love to spank you, use toys on you, tie you up…”
“:) Let me know when you’re back.”

It wasn’t just dancing; or, the second [f]uck of my first solo vacation [FM] [public] [long]

If you want to read about the first fuck of my first solo vacation or want more background on me, you can read [here.]( I’m going to preface this story by saying this is the hottest sexual experience I’ve had to date. It was spontaneous, anonymous, sexy as fuck, and fulfilled a fantasy I had been nurturing. I like to tell all the details of stories, including the awkward ones, because sex is often funny and weird and often that makes it even more endearing, but this story has none of that. It was hot as fuck. It’s also VERY long.


I got back to my Airbnb after my first fuck around 5am Sunday morning, exhausted from wine and public sex. But I couldn’t sleep for long; I wanted to go to a famous nightclub* with a notoriously difficult door and long queues. I had already been to another club with a tough door on Friday, and got in without issue, so I felt good about my chances of getting in. But I didn’t want to risk denial and I didn’t want to wait in an hours-long line. A friend had told me that what I should do is go early on Sunday morning, when there was likely to be little to no line, get the stamp for re-entry, go inside and check it out, then leave, go home and sleep more, before going back later in the afternoon/evening. So I slept for about 4 hours, and around 10am on a Sunday I got up, got dressed in black shorts, a thin black crop top, black boots and socks, and my black leather collar. No bra, no makeup. I put my black raincoat on over my ensemble, and I headed out.

[F]irst fuck of my first solo vacation [FM] [public] [long]

Long time lurker and admirer, first time poster. This is a throwaway account, obviously. You probably shouldn’t message me, but if you really fucking need to, ask first.

**Background** – skip to the bolded story below if you just want the story. I’m in my late 20s, I’m athletic, tall, with red hair and green eyes. Essentially, I’m a smokeshow and completely humble about it. I’ve only been a self-identified equal-opportunity slut for about a year now; before that, I was dealing with debilitating anxiety, repressed sexuality and internalized homophobia from a conservative/evangelical upbringing among other things. Sexy, right? But with some therapy and a commitment to reprogramming my internal monologue, I’m proud to say I’m not only a stupid slut, but a fucking happy and successful slut, too.

I had always had debilitating social anxiety, but with my new outlook on life I decided to do something I found terrifying – traveling to a foreign country alone. I decided on Berlin since it’s relatively cheap, most people speak English, it has a always-burgeoning nightlife/queer/kink scene, and their sexy stance on public nudity. Since getting emotionally healthy and happy, my horniness has gone from barely existent to 14 year old boy. I want to have sex. Period. At any time, basically anywhere – I wanted to be fucked. Naturally, I wanted this vacation to be a total fuckfest. And a fuckfest it was. This is one of the stories.