What are the best places to get advice for writing erotica?

I write erotica as a hobby, but even though smaller stories are pretty easy to make work, I am struggling with my ideas that involve a bigger cast and more than one arc.

Like I say, it’s just a hobby, I don’t intend to make any money off it, so I hope there is somewhere where people don’t mind brainstorming or workshopping a little bit together.

Is sharing always considered “NTR” or whatever?

I’m currently building a fairly big but vanilla story with emphasis on love and trust between a group of people. (2 families)

However, I want to include several male characters, and I wonder if sharing the main love interest with them is going to fuck up the story in your opinion?

It’s essentialy only best friends who get to do stuff with the main girl, and there is no jealousy or anything attached to it.

Basically, wholesome gangbangs. Is it possible or nah?