Someone asked if I would make the post here, so I will…
Back in March, I had a random woman follow me on Instagram. Her profile was locked, but by the looks of her profile picture, she was much older but gorgeous. I requested to follow, and instantly was accepted. I scrolled through her feed. My eyes lit up; she was a complete milf.
I could tell she was shorter than me. She had blonde hair, a full sleeve tattoo, amazing curves, and best of all: huge tits. I didn’t want to seem like that anxious 20 year old, so rather than like a few of her photos or DM her, I played it cool.
A few months went by and we had casually been liking one another’s photos. Until one day. She posted this photo on vacation in Cancun with one of her friends. She was in a tight, little bikini, her breasts poking out. I was drooling. I have such a thing for older women that I couldn’t resist. I did what ANY horny 20 year old guy would do…
I slid into her DM’s.