My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 8 [Final] [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 8 [Final] [Incest]

– 7:53 PM (5/19/21)

I was cleaning Auntie’s squirt and cum off the bedroom mirror while she was getting cleaned up in the bathroom. We hadn’t said a word to each other since our finishing, but we both knew that the end was far from over. Auntie’s nipple rings bounced with her breasts as she re-entered the room. “Christ, you blew a big one.” Her voice croaked. “Still ready for the main event?” She teased. I tossed my ejaculate filled rag aside while standing to show her how ready I was. “Never mind then.” Auntie jiggled on her way to the bedside table where she pulled out an array of different condoms. My heart sank despite my best efforts to contain expectations. Who would want kids in this economy anyway?

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 7 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 7 [Incest]

*Quick Note: This is the second to last chapter. The 8th and last chapter will be out tonight!*

– 12:55 AM (5/18/21)
I locked the door. Auntie was in the midst of her post orgasm shakes so I laid her back down on the couch. She seemed more stable than before, probably because she expected it. “She’s. Huff. Gone?” asked Auntie. I was sure of it, but I double checked via the door hole. “Nothing” I said. Guess she didn’t like my questions. I flashed a co-opted version of Aunties trademark smirk back at her. She smiled back before falling backwards into the couch cushion and catching her breath. “You’re so lucky she ran off.” She said. “What on Earth compelled you to do that!?!” I thought back to my original reasoning. “I thought that if she got in our way once, it would happen again and again no matter if she was even here or not.” “You could have just kept eating me out.” Auntie said with a half smile. “Ya well, now your memory will default to naughty finger banging instead of interrupted pussy eating.” “Make her cum once and they think they can talk back to their Aunt, smh…”

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 6 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 6 [Incest]

– 12:44 AM (5/18/21)

I awoke to the smell of burning food. I was alone in the bed having had the best orgasm of my life. Given to me by my Aunt. Saying it in my head didn’t feel weird at all. Good sign. I put my underwear back on and made a quick pit stop to my room for some clothes. Noticing the bedside clock read past noon, I half expected Auntie to be at work by now. It was a happy surprise to see her blundering lunch in the kitchen instead. “Ha!” She said while catching notice of me after she failed to pull a hot lasagna tray out the oven. Auntie smiled and put her hands on her sexy waist. “Who needs the break now? Brat.” Wearing one of Luna’s smaller aprons, Auntie went back to battle with the lasagna. “Need help Auntie?” I asked from the other side of the kitchen counter. “I’m not an idiot Charley, I can manage lasagna.” “I can see that.” I responded. “In the first cabinet to your left there’s oven mitts.” Without saying a word and being as quick as possible, Auntie grabbed the mitts and tossed the dish on the stove top. “All in a day’s work!” she yelled triumphantly.

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 5 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 5 [Incest]

– 10:29 AM (5/18/21)

Maybe I’m not the hornyest person in the room after all. “Round two?” I questioned, Auntie rolled her eyes, “Well only if you’re up for it. I want to make good on all that sexy talk.” “You have already made good on that, Auntie. I wouldn’t want to–” Auntie interrupted me with the snap of her finger, “It’s rude to talk back to your Aunt ya know.” I never imagined we would go so far in a week, never mind before midday. If this is a red flag, I’m color blind. Auntie smiled a warm smile and pressed her breasts together gleefully when I began making my way towards the bed. “What did you have in mind exactly?” I asked stupidly. Auntie reached and pointed at my erect cock. “There’s still parts of you that need playing with.”

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 4 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 4 [Incest]

*If you made it this far that’s good! Where getting into the* ***really*** *hot stuff now. Thanks again for all the support!*

– 10:04 AM (5/18/21)

I grew up in rural Iowa for the first 10 years of my life. My mother left my dad because he wouldn’t help support Auntie during one of her worst rough patches. If he only knew the potential reward… Of course, none of this would have been possible if we weren’t family. When I think of it like that, it makes all that comes later feel sweeter. Maybe that’s why she wants me to keep calling her Auntie. Not that I could ask, I couldn’t say anything with her tongue down my throat. She was just a few inches shorter than me at 5 feet 5 inches, but she held me like a baby. When she finally pulled away I was able to put the first words in the air since we entered the room. “Your lips.. They’re sweet.” “It’s syrup idiot.” She said while raising my shirt over my head. Such a mundane action made my head spin. “Well?” I focused long enough to realize Auntie was gesturing at her own clothes. “Sorry.” It took me a minute to get the stained white tank top over her while I was kissing her. She didn’t seem to mind.

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 3 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 3 [Incest]

– 8:05 AM (5/18/21)

“Sorry, I didn’t mean…” She was having a hard time getting the strap over now that the bra padding became stuck under her breast. “I’m sorry I.. I can’t.” I quickly grabbed a kitchen towel and handed it to her. As she reached for it, she undoubtedly saw my erection poking through my boxers. At this moment, I couldn’t care less. When I handed Aunt Liz the towel she put it to her face rather than her breast. Considering how loud she usually is, I didn’t expect her to be a soft crier. “I’m so sorry Charley, I’m…” I helped her up to her feet while saying, “You have nothing to be sorry about. Mistakes happen.” She looked at me but just as quickly turned away, finally able to adjust her bra over herself . Without turning back she spoke. “You said it yourself, that I’m going through a bit of a rough patch.” She wasn’t crying anymore but she still held onto the towel. “Why did I ever think you and I could…” “Could what?” I said half already knowing the answer.

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 2 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 2
– 4:36 PM (5/17/21)

“I’m surprised you bathe.” I half whispered while warm water ran through my fingers into the tub below. “You surprised what!?!” Yelled Aunt Liz from the living room couch. I exited the bathroom and surveyed the living area’s damages. Soda and beer cans already engulfed the cocktail table while unopened luggage bags still sat on Aunt Liz’s bed. I honestly don’t think she’s even been in there yet. I’m not a clean freak by any means, but at this rate I’ll need to hire a maid. “Your bath is half full, you should check out your room if you haven’t already.” I didn’t want to admit it but I had spent hours of yesterday’s afternoon prepping it for her. “Thanks Charley!” Aunt Liz said gleefully. “If you don’t mind me asking, was my room that girls?” Something about the way she said ‘that girls’ felt more than a little venomous. “Yea it was, why do you ask?” Aunt Liz took one more sip of her Corona before responding. “Oh no reason at all, just curious…”

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt: Part 2 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 2

*Quick note: First off, thanks for the support on part one! Secondly, I should mention I’m quite new to erotic writing. Expect more of the same grammar errors and weird writing choices that gradually get better over time. With that said, part 2 is below. Enjoy.*

– 4:36 PM (5/17/21)

“I’m surprised you bathe.” I half whispered while warm water ran through my fingers into the tub below. “You surprised what!?!” Yelled Aunt Liz from the living room couch. I exited the bathroom and surveyed the living area’s damages. Soda and beer cans already engulfed the cocktail table while unopened luggage bags still sat on Aunt Liz’s bed. I honestly don’t think she’s even been in there yet. I’m not a clean freak by any means, but at this rate I’ll need to hire a maid. “Your bath is half full, you should check out your room if you haven’t already.” I didn’t want to admit it but I had spent hours of yesterday’s afternoon prepping it for her. “Thanks Charley!” Aunt Liz said gleefully. “If you don’t mind me asking, was my room that girls?” Something about the way she said ‘that girls’ felt more than a little venomous. “Yea it was, why do you ask?” Aunt Liz took one more sip of her Corona before responding. “Oh no reason at all, just curious…”

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 1

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 1

– 3:45 PM (5/17/21)

My Aunt, Liz, lives just a few miles south of me and my ex-girlfriend’s apartment complex. According to mom, along with being an angel in human form Aunt Liz has some of the worst taste in partners she has ever seen. I half to admit, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree where I’m concerned. My ex was cheating on me with my bio instructor when I got the text from my Aunt about her boyfriend. Apparently he was using her apartment for less than legal activities and needed a place to stay while the police muddle through her underwear. Like I said, great tastes. Anyway, I was the closest person she knew with a place to stay nearby that wasn’t an ex so I was the natural choice. She called while I was in class so when I got home I had a homeless Aunt waiting by the front door trying her hardest not to smack me and instead smile.