The Naughty List [NonCon, Training, Supernatural]

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and Allison lay curled up in her warm bed, covered with Egyptian Cotton sheets and thick, expensive comforters, cuddling in against the cold as she basked in warmth and thought about how nice it was to be home for the holidays. Nineteen years old and very ready to live her own life, Allison normally would have thought going home from college with her twin sister would be a drag. It took her away from her friends, but luckily, Daddy was happy to spoil his two beautiful daughters rotten… she had it on good authority that he had bought them new cars for Christmas. She hoped they had all the newest features… if they didn’t, she was fully prepared to throw a fit to correct that mistake. Some of the people she went to school with called Allison a bitch but that wasn’t true… she just knew what she wanted and how to get it. It wasn’t **her** fault that the world was happy to bend its will to make a beautiful girl happy. Why shouldn’t she have everything she wanted?

Like, for example, that parking spot.

Lone Fox 2 – Prologue [Rape, Fantasy, Plot heavy]

The alarm went off at four in the morning. It was only a single quiet beep, barely audible over the steady hum of the heater, but years of experience made her eyes snap open immediately.

Her limbs were heavy as lead as she drew herself up from her makeshift bed, which was nothing more than a pile of dirty rags placed directly under one of the bedroom’s heating vents. He’d kept her up late again last night. One a.m.? Two? It didn’t matter. She had work to do, and exhaustion had never been an acceptable excuse. She ignored the screams of her muscles and forced herself up onto all fours.

Sweat dripped off her limbs as she padded towards the playroom, and her hair hung down in wet clumps. Their home was never less than ninety degrees, and she could tell that it was well over one hundred this morning. She would need to be very careful about staying hydrated. The last time she’d passed out from the heat had been two months ago, and he’d punished her for it by cranking the temperature up even higher and making her sleep under heavy woolen blankets for a week. She’d been more than half dead by the time he’d relented. The tropical warmth wasn’t actually necessary. She’d seen him as perfectly at ease in subzero weather as he was in the mansion’s sweltering heat. She wasn’t certain if he even could feel hot and cold. The temperature, like so much of her life, had no purpose but to make her miserable.

Constellation Arc 2 Begins! [Superhero, NC, Abuse, Plot Heavy]

You can find the whole arc [HERE]( New issue every monday.

Issue #7 – A New Beginning

Lira could tell when her stepfather was almost home. It was his work boots; they made a unique sound in the hallway as he approached the door to their apartment. It wasn’t easy to hear them over the constant background noise of the city all around, but she’d had plenty of practice and incentive. The sound only bought her a few seconds, but that was enough time to get off the couch and hurry into her bedroom and out of sight.

“What the fuck have you been doing all day?!” she heard him bellow at her mother as soon as he came in through the door. Her words weren’t quite slurred, but it was easy to hear that he was already drunk. “I told you to clean this place up!”

“I’m so sorry, Randall,” her mother said plaintively. Leanna always sounded like she was on the verge of tears when she talked to her husband, and usually was. “I was busy preparing dinner and -” A sharp sound cut her off: he’d slapped her. Once upon a time that sound had made Lira flinch, but it was as familiar as the work boots by now.

Constellation, an original Superheroine-themed story


This is an original superheroine story! Themes include rape, corruption, revenge, slavery, redemption, and lots and lots of kinky sex. There will be a new issue posted every Monday for the next three months… if you think you might like it, check it out!

Currently on [Issue 4](

Garnet and the Fox – An Outfoxed Story. Chapter 3 and Epilogue [Rape, supernatural]

It happens off-screen, but this chapter contains character death. Reader be advised.

Additional stories in this series, along with pictures, can be found at

Garnet thought she had finished with her life’s share of terror. Meeting Roul, finding him at her mother’s house, barely surviving both encounters, watching his transformation, it had all taxed her fear response to its limit. She trusted she would never encounter anything as blood-draining, as knee-rattling, as horrible as she had on the day he entered her life, claimed her and her mother as his own, and sealed their fate by revealing his true form: a monster as grey as winter rain, halfway between fox and man, tall enough to nearly scrape the ceiling, with nine writhing tails and enough muscle to lift a bed one-handed. He raped both of them more than a dozen times a day, and in this form, it was even worse… his cock was as thick as her forearm, and the first time she had felt his knot press inside her she had vomited from the pain. She felt sure that no man would ever want her now… she wasn’t sure a normal man’s cock would even touch the sides of her pussy anymore. She thoughts things were as terrifying as they could get… but when she heard the knock on the door, that mistaken assumption fled from her heart, taking one of her few remaining comforts with it.

Lone Fox (Kitsune erotica) [rape] [long] [slavery] [watersports] [Death – sort of] Chapter 3

Story is written and produced with Darinost. Pictures for the story are available on my wordpress [](

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Morris couldn’t figure out what was he was going to do.

Over by the stump, the fox was two hours into her initiation, and there was already a steady stream of semen flowing from her cunt. Kent looked about thirty seconds away from contributing with what would be the twenty second load, including her mouth. Another twenty seven after that, and everyone would have pumped her full of spunk from one end or the other.

Everyone except for Morris, that is.

He didn’t even know why he wasn’t participating. He’d done it plenty of times before. He’d raped monsters just as hard as Kent and Lopez were doing right now. And it wasn’t like he didn’t find the fox attractive. Far from it; he felt like he’d had an erection since the moment he’d seen her take human form out in the forest. She’d deserve it too. He’d read up on gumiho and their eating habits. The beautiful creature gagging on Lopez while Kent fired his cum into her was a mass murderer several times over.

Garnet – an Outfoxed Story – Chapter 2 [rape, supernatural]

Garnet didn’t know how long she lay there. Five minutes? Two hours? Several days, with the moon and sun passing over her while she lay in a haze? The trees and wind and sounds around her had no meaning. They occurred around her, but not to her, as she sat curled into a ball on a disused path through the thick of the forest.

When she did move, it was almost by accident, as a numb arm shifted under her and tilted her to one side. She fell onto her back, staring at the leaves overhead, blinking until the sky came into focus. With every movement on her face, she felt something dry rubbing against her, cracking so quietly only she could hear it, and she dared not reach up to see where it was.

Garnet – an Outfoxed Story – Chapter 1 [rape, supernatural]

Germany, 1654

Everybody told stories. Garnet had heard them her whole life. Of twisted, ancient trees whose roots bound unwary travelers who rested under their branches, holding them until they rotted and provided morbid sustenance. Of tittering faeries, dancing on trails of sparkles, coaxing curious onlookers ever closer until they pitched into any number of lethal traps. Of luscious maidens bathing in rivers and lakes, laying sumptuous skin bare, luring men close until they fell prey to prehensile tresses of silken, strangling hair. Everybody in the village had their own favorite tale, passed down by grandparents or stolen from a passing merchant or built from personal experience nobody else could confirm. They varied in length and lethality and the exact triggers for catastrophe, and the creatures might even change from telling to telling, but the moral was always the same: there were monsters in the world, and only a fool traveled alone and unprepared.

Lone Fox (Kitsune erotica) [rape] [long] [slavery] [watersports] Chapter 2

Story is written and produced with Darinost. Pictures for the story are available on my wordpress [](

It was a very long night for Seo-yun, who didn’t manage a single minute of sleep.

Though no one came to torture her again, she did a fine job of it herself. She replayed everything that had happened in her head a thousand times, and thought of everything she could have done to avoid it. If she’d only been a little smarter, a little faster, she would be digesting Levinson right now instead of waiting to be his plaything again. She tried to focus on the future instead, on how she might escape, but her attention was constantly being stolen away by her darker thoughts. Most distracting of all was the sight of her two former tails lying in the dirt like so much trash. They had been a part of her all her life, as much as any limb, and he’d cut them off like they were nothing. Every time she moved, and felt that lack of familiar weight, she was reminded of their absence. And worst of all, she had to struggle against the old memories the sight continued trying to conjure up.

Lone Fox (Kitsune erotica) [rape] [long] [slavery] [watersports] Chapters 0 and 1

Story is written and produced with Darinost. Pictures for the story are available on my wordpress [](


Seo-yun smelled humans.

The sharp scent brought her out of her slumber, and the red furred creature stretched languidly as she breathed it in slowly. At least three, maybe more, all men. Her lips curled into a bright smile, and her tails twitched eagerly. They would make for an excellent breakfast.

She bounded off the tree branch she’d been laying on, landing lightly on another. Like the branch she’d chosen for her morning nap, it was a thin, spindly thing, barely able to support the weight of its own leaves. But it was as firm and steady to her as solid ground, and the branch barely quivered as she sprang to the next one, and the next. High above the forest floor, the gumiho danced gracefully across her territory, heading towards the source of that nostalgic scent.