Nora’s friendly goodbye to innocence ( part one) nsfw

This is my first attempt with erotica. I would appreciate comments. Thanks

Nora is abruptly awoken from her numb dazed stare at the stars and with good timing. Her clothes are getting moist from the clutches of the damp in the dew forming with the thinning of the night. “Get up, get up, get up, sleeping beauty” barks Jerry, “I am a man of my word. I am here to safely escort you home and wish for you to hurry about it”. A smiling Nora looks up and extend out her hand. She over reaches to grab his forearm and drag her fingers slowly to his firm strong hand. “Your to good for me and so gallant, strong, handsome and to think that you’re my best friend. What would a girl do without such a gentlemen”? Jokingly replying to express her gratitude, while getting the boost to her feet. Nora has many good memories of her childhood friend playing in the street. She was always drawn to Jerry. She always been sensitive of her anxious and curious feelings toward her friend and wanting to explore more avenues. Her misfitted emotions has intensify lately especially due to her moving at college within days at the far end of the country. She appreciates these precious last moments with her friend.