The distressed bride (Part 2) [F/M 20s-30s]

The distressed bride (Part 2)

[Part 1]

“What are you doing here?! You can’t be here Peter!!!” Eleanor gasped in surprise, shock and horror, hoping that Sarah and Joe would hear and move appropriately.

“It’s bad luck for you to be here and I hear that tons of stuff needs sorting at the hotel what the hell are you doing here?”

Peter started walking in through the door of his own house and Eleanor was holding him back “Listen I’m not joking you can’t come in today you have to go back to the venue why are you here? If you’ve forgotten something I’ll grab it?”

Peter was having none of it “I need to see Sarah, things are not adding up and I need to know what’s going on now!”

Fuck! Eleanor had not heard any movement upstairs, Peter was about 15 seconds away from seeing his next door neighbour naked on his bed with his cum dripping out of his fiancée’s pussy – perhaps not the best way to start married life.

“Although technically that would be this afternoon or even tomorrow morning” Eleanor thought to herself.

The distressed bride (Part 1)

As Joe saw his watch register 3.11 miles, he stopped jogging at the end of his road and started walking back, quite pleased that he had managed a sub 25 minute 5k run, and all before 6.30am.

Joe was looking forward to attending the wedding of his next door neighbours, Peter and his fiancé Sarah, later in the day and could see that the wedding car had been cleaned and ribboned up ready for the afternoon ceremony.

As he walked past and admired the car, parked where Peter’s car would normally be parked, his phone rang through to his Bluetooth headphones.

“Hello?” He answered without looking at the caller ID, puzzled as to who it could be so early in the morning.

“Joe, it’s Sarah, how was your run?”

“Ah hey Sarah! Yes it was good thanks, I’m just walking past your place now actually! Excited for today? You’re up early?” Joe said. He stopped and looked up at the bedroom window and was quite surprised as to what he saw.

“Um, well everything is going wrong and I don’t have time to sort it” she sobbed.

Playful revenge (FM)

A scenario from a pre-COVID world:

Joe had recently moved to a leafy countryside English village from London and was enjoying having more space, even a garden, as well as a bit more time to enjoy it after giving up the 60+ hour per week job he had in the city.

He was still able to work for the IT/web design business he had been at for so many years, just now, remotely, which suited him a lot better – less hours, no commuting and able to enjoy the countryside.

Joe had a few friends who had moved to the countryside and recommended it so he felt confident it was the right thing to do as a guy in his mid 30s looking to reduce stress and lead a better, healthier lifestyle.

Initially it felt a little bit strange but Joe’s friends recommended embracing the new environment and getting involved with the community – visit the local pubs and restaurants, support local business, join the local cycling & running group and join the village Facebook group, even try and set up a side hustle, consulting for local businesses etc.

Joe did all of these things.

Arrival from Denver [FMM]

London Heathrow International arrivals, we were waiting for her to come through after baggage reclaim and we talked through the plan. I showed Dan the email on my phone which basically detailed how she wouldn’t know anything apart from there being a taxi booked to take her to her hotel and she’d perhaps be expecting a driver with a name board.

Dan asked me “Joe, is this legit? It’s not a wind up?” I confirmed with him it was real. Dan and I had known each other since we were kids, a group of 5 of us had basically stayed in touch as close friends since school and were now in all different lines of work.

The email was from a gentleman in Colorado who mentioned that his Wife was visiting London for a week and went on to detail what he wanted from us, which included us not revealing the full extent of the request to her.
Dan ran a luxury car dealership so he brought the Bentley with the privacy cabin for a bit of a VIP feel for her.

[MF] Ghosted – Part 1

This story is fictional and is in no way representative of any previous situations I have found myself in (but does stem from the theme of being ghosted – it happens to everyone… right…?)
This story has a comprehensive build up but hopefully still worth a read! Skip to part 2 for the good stuff (albeit with no context).

After messaging for some time, it was clear we liked each other, we had seen pictures of each other, taken an interest in each other and perhaps this was the most exciting part, the chase, the flirting, the build up, the anticipation.

I had met Jess online and found out she worked in a similar line of business to me, we instantly hit it off. She was stunning, brunette, beautiful big brown eyes, a stunning smile, 5ft 6 but more like 5ft 9 in her heels with a slim build perfect body. She was absolutely my type, if I’d seen her in real life, I would definitely try to approach her.

[M4F] Sunflower field

I received a message on my instagram, which is basically a photo reel of my interests, cars, bikes, watches, usual and typical guy stuff.

A few recent posts of mine were of a sunflower field in the village I live in, I passed the field while out cycling and decided the other day to cycle through and take a few photos, the sun was low and the pictures looked colourful and dramatic.

The message was from a young lady who said:

“Hi! Sorry for the message out of the blue, we’re looking for family portrait photos in the village sunflower field and while searching for photos tagged in that location I saw yours and really love the look of it! Would you be open to taking some family pictures for us? I had a local photographer lined up but he cancelled, would be great if you could help us out! Thanks, Emily x”

I didn’t really know what to think – I certainly wasn’t a professional photographer, even though I owned some decent camera gear, and definitely not experienced in family portraits, but I was intrigued.

[M4F] The mystery shopper

Proudly standing in front of my team of sales assistants on my first day as store manager on the first day of the month, I introduced myself and welcomed new members of the team that I had help recruit. The store was a technology and electronics store and had a team of 7 guys and one girl, who managed admin tasks and was not customer facing.

As part of my own interview process, I voiced my concerns about this and wanted a mixed sales team, the two poorest performers were relocated to a different store, one of the more admin savvy guys moved to the admin role and I recruited four new women into the team with a view to making electronics and tech appear less scary and daunting to female consumers.

Rachel, Sam, Hannah and Kim were all in their 20s and had a mix of experience between them, some of them studying at uni, some having spent time in retail or working in restaurants.

Rachel and Sam were brunette with brown eyes, physically very fit and attractive but hopefully not intimidating to other women. Sam was a next-door type of friendly, beautiful girl while Rachel was the oldest of the four girls at 29 and came across as very professional and sexy at the same time.

(M4F) She knows I know about her other instagram account and Dropbox but her husband doesn’t

So this is based on a true story, the first part actually happened, the second part is, let’s say speculative erotica! It’s also my first post here so hope it’s ok! Enjoy:

[Part 1 – true story]

Last year, pre-pandemic, the 6 households that form our cul-de-sac (small residential street with no through traffic) met up to discuss communal issues like maintenance of the shared driveway etc, we had a few drinks and it was good to catch up.

The youngest couple moved in a year ago and I hadn’t properly met them yet, Martin is an architect, quite a timid, skinny build 5ft 9ish, brown hair, struggles to grow facial hair, baby faced, shy type of guy and Alice is a financial analyst, 5ft 6ish, blonde with some curves, athletic physique with stunning blue eyes, appeared shy but friendly. I had seen Alice a few times doing yoga in the field in the summer and running in the village at the same time I would sometimes go running in the evenings.