Me n My Sister Part 4 (From Sister’s POV)

It started earlier this year. We were seniors and the prom was only days away. He had the hots for my friend Clair who looked like she could be my sister. She was just over five feet tall, brown hair and eyes, her frame was small. She had a small but defined chest and her long legs were usually on display under the skirts she normally wore. She always told me to dress sexier but I never could. I was too self-conscience. I knew Clair liked my brother too but he was too shy to ask her to prom. I knew I wouldn’t be asked so I accepted my fate.

For weeks leading to prom I urged her to ask my brother. She kept refusing but as time ran short, and no other boy had asked her, she finally gave in. I set the scene perfectly. She would ambush him between classes at his locker. Prom was only days away as we executed our plan. He was swapping books in his locker when she approached. They greeted and I could see his was nervous. I was creeping at the corner just in ear shot of the conversation.

Me n My Sister Part:3

What, did I just say? How could I say that? I’m covered in my own sperm and my sheets are soaked with my seed. What am I doing?

My body raised up and stood up. I was slowly regaining control. The laundry room was on my side so if I ran to the bathroom it would be obvious. Then something hit me. Something I had never felt before. An absolution that was never there. I was a good kid, obedient. I never took the offensive except in video games but now I felt different…

If she knew, she knew. Why hide it? How could I? Even changing my boxers wouldn’t wash away the smell of my spunk covering my hand and groin. It was almost like a waking dream as I bundled up my thin white sheets, soaked in my own orgasmic product.

The small foot steps of her going the laundry room were the only sounds that registered. I was a zombie of lust. I couldn’t stop myself, I had just beat off to my sister and she knew it. With my cum soaked boxers and sheets I walked into the tiny laundry room that we had.

Me n My Sister Part:2

Did she wear panties those mornings? Was she naked underneath that long t-shirt? What does she look like without clothes? I couldn’t clear my mind of the terrible incestuous ideas running through it. I was a virgin and I was pretty sure she was too. We really never had any serious boyfriends or girlfriends. Our parents were happy to let us be secluded in our studies and hobbies upstairs in our house. If not for family time, we’d probably never go downstairs other than going to school or playing a few pickup games at the community basketball courts.

She always came with me even though she didn’t play. As I thought more about it, everything I did she just went along with and tried to enjoy. Is it possible she’s a submissive? I’ve never considered myself as a dominant male but I do like to take the lead in the massive multiplayer video games I play. She’s always there being the healer or repair role when we play. She always supports everything I do without complaint.

Me n My sister (18+) Part 1:

I awoke in daze. Peering at the clock it read 6:47am, much earlier than I normally wake up on a Tuesday. It was summer after all, school was out and my twin sister and I were going to be attending the local university in the fall. Why was I awake? I normally slept in until 7:30 to my alarm.

Then I hear a soft, muffled moan through the wall. My sister and I had our own rooms on the second floor. Our beds paired against the same wall length wise since our rooms are fairly small. Being the older of the twins by minutes, had a few extra square feet, enough for a small desk but that was it. Only a bathroom, small loft, and laundry room populated the second floor. It was mostly above the three car garage with our parent’s master bedroom and living spaces down stairs.

I paused, waiting to hear something again. My morning wood dying down concerned for my ‘little’ sister who was only minutes younger than me. I looked at her like that since she was physically smaller than me. She was short with a very small torso and long legs. We were both nerdy kids who mainly enjoyed playing games and watching science fiction movies. We were best friends and really never went out or partied like many of our fellow youth. We were content in our happy lives.