Testing the Waters Part Seven [M/F] [Mother in Law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

I woke up the next morning, and rolling over, found that Elle was already out of bed. Getting up and walking out of the room, I could hear the kids down stairs playing. I walked down the hallway and peered into the spare bedroom. The bed was made and Laurie’s bags were packed. Coming down the stairs, I started toward the kitchen.

“Trust me, I know what you are getting at, but I’m still married and it’s not right in the eyes of God,” I heard Laurie say.

Freezing near the door, I held my breath and strained to listen.

“I know Mom, but you need to take care of yourself as well. Aren’t there any cute doctors at the hospital that could help you release some of the tension?,” Elle asked. “At the very least you should be taking care of yourself. Get some toys or something, make an evening of.”

“No, I’m too old for that stuff,” Laurie replied. “Even if your father wasn’t around, no one would be interested in an old lady like me.”

“Old lady like you?,” Elle huffed incredulously. “You are smokin’ hot Mom. I’d take you for a spin if we weren’t related,” she said, jokingly.

Testing the Waters Part Six [M/F] [Mother in Law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

“Hey guys, I’m going to run up and put the kids to bed and grab a quick shower,” Elle said as she stood up from the dinner table.

“Ok,” Laurie replied. She went over and give the kids a goodnight hug and kiss.

“Good night kids, I love you,” I called as I stood up and carried my dishes to the sink. Depositing them, I turned and watched Elle and the kids leave the room. Laurie walked to the sink. It was the first time we had been alone since the moment in the kitchen.

I turned and started filling the sink with water to rinse off the dishes. She leaned up against the sink, crossing her arms.

“I don’t know who I became earlier,” she said, staring at the ground. I stood quietly for a minute, scrubbing at a plate.

“Neither do I,” I answered. “I have never been that aggressive with a woman before. I’m sorry if it turned into something you didn’t want to do.”

Testing the Waters Part Five [M/F] [Mother in Law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

Oh shit, I thought, looking down at my watch. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.

“I’m going to go inside and start dinner,” I called over to Elle, who was was digging in the flower beds. We had been working outside of about an hour or so. Laurie had been at the hospital with Tim most of the day, so Elle and I spent the day working on some chores around the house.

“Sounds good“ she replied, poking the soil with the shovel. “I’m still got a lot to do, so I will be a bit.”

“Ok, take your time.” I looked over at the kids playing in the trampoline. “Should I take them in with me?”

“No, let them stay out and play,” she answered.

I walked in the back door and into the kitchen. Washing my hands, I took out the cutting board and knife. I started to think about that morning as I started cutting up vegetables for the dish.

Testing the Water Part Four [M/F] [Mother in Law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

Waking up the next morning, I looked over to see Elle missing from the bed. Grabbing my phone I checked the time, seeing it was 8:15. That’s right, the girls had gymnastics this morning I remembered. She must have left without waking me up, knowing I was up late the night before.

I suddenly felt a pang of regret, remembering what happened the night before. Elle was a great wife, and I felt like the worst human on earth. Not that it was any excuse, I just didn’t feel the passion with Elle like I did with Laurie. Maybe it’s just from being married with kids, or the rut of life in a routine, but it was just difficult to get excited with Elle. I’m sure the taboo of what Laurie and I were toying with was adding an exciting edge, but I also had genuine feelings for her.

Getting up, I shook the sleep from my head and stretched. Speaking of taboo, the night before ran through my mind and the thoughts started a fire between my legs. I quietly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Sneaking down the hallway, I peeked my head into the spare bedroom.

Testing the Waters Part Three [M/F] [Mother in Law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

I could feel her breath in my ear, raspy and urgent. Her hand slide down my chest and abs slowly, reaching into my boxers. She grabbed my swollen, stiff member and started gently massaging it. Both my hands were full of ass cheek as I groped and started to slide them through the sides of her panties. I kissed and licked her neck from her shoulder to her jawline, alternating between sucking and licking. I moved my mouth up and started sucking on her earlobe, moaning lightly into her ear as she cupped my balls and started to gently rub them.

“Oh my god, I need you so bad,” Laurie whispered breathlessly, as I moved my left hand from her ass to her breast, cupping it and gently playing with her erect nipple.

I turned my mouth and firmly started kissing her. She opened her mouth and accepted my tongue. My right hand moving from her ass to the flat of her stomach, slid down the front of her panties. Feeling her slit and how wet she was, I slide my middle finger down and found her clit. I started gently rubbing in a circle, and she started moaning into my mouth as we kissed. Reaching with my left hand, I grabbed the hem of her underwear above her ass and started to peel them off. This is it, I thought, it’s finally happening. We are finally giving in.

Testing the Waters Part 2 [M/F] [Mother in law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

The next afternoon we went swimming in the in-laws pool. I was in the water playing with the kids while Elle and Laurie floated around, drinking wine and talking. Next to Elle, they looked more like sisters than mother and daughter.

Laurie was wearing a fairly modest blue single piece bathing suit that managed to hug her in all the right places. Without showing much skin, you could definitely see every curve on her and I was finding it hard to keep my eyes to my self. Funny thing is, every time I looked over to catch a peek it seemed like she was already looking my way. Was she looking at me out of interest, or had she caught me stealing glances?

After a couple glasses of wine, I couldn’t help but notice that she was staring at me for longer and longer periods. Maybe she was checking me out, I thought, slightly excited about the thought. I was a part time fitness instructor and had played sports my whole life. I may not have been as muscular as I was in college, but I also was in good shape for a 33 year old dad. I had no real excessive body fat and my core muscles and chest looked like they did when I was younger.

Testing the Waters Part 1 [M/F] [Mother in law/Son in Law] [Cheating]

“Wow Mom, how much of you been working out!?” my wife exclaimed as we got out of the car. We had just arrived at her parent’s house to spend a Saturday night. My mother in law had come out to meet us, excited to see her grandkids.

“Oh quit it!” she said as she went to help unbuckle the three kids who were squealing for their grandma, ”only a few times a week.”
You could definitely tell it was working, I thought to myself, watching her bend over to set one of the kids down.

“Well, you are lookin’ good mama!” my wife said teasingly. “You on the prowl for another man?” she asked with a wink.

“Oh give it a rest, Elle” she said as she playfully shoved my wife before giving her a big hug. “You know I only have eyes for your father,” she said sarcastically. As I started to unload the car, she came around and opened her arms to give me a hug.

“It’s good to see you John”, she said as she wrapped her arms around me.