[Encounter] Feel like I have to tell someone

Not sure how many of you stalk my profile much, but I kind of have this certain audacity about how much I contribute to a relationship. And, by extension, I sort of see myself being appropriate to the most exotic and delightful partners.

Anyway, today was the warmest day since last summer, into the sixties farenheit!, and I have been feeling increasingly "restless" since Friday after I got over the initial misery of a problematic class exam. Between overall fulfillment and acute sadness is a slack middle ground of pathological vulnerability.

So earlier I went to a gas station that I've only visited maybe three times before, even though I drive past it probably every day. It's in the middle of a long strip of wooded field, with no other busineses nearby. I got gas and pizza, stepped back outside, and decided to just pace around and enjoy the weather. It was a lovely time, and I got a phone call with good news from my friend who's finding success quitting drinking.

That's when I saw it….

As rare as it was thrilling: a rusty, weather-beaten pay phone. This one was disconnected from fixtures and laying on its side at the bottom of a leaf-covered hill strewn with empty bottles and other trash.