[MF] My roommate went out of town… His girlfriend came over… (Part 3) How we almost got caught.

Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ubtyk/mf_roommate_went_out_of_town_his_girlfriend_came/
Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7usejc/mf_my_roommate_went_out_of_town_his_girlfriend/

My roommate’s girlfriend and I had sex behind his back twice now, and after the second time we actually started talking about doing it more often. She would text me while I was working about how horny she was and I would do the same and tell her I would try to get off early so we could meet up. The craziest part about this (and most unbelievable I’m sure) is that her boyfriend worked for me. I was his boss, and he would be working the days that this was going on.

It sounds bad, but this factor made it much more exciting for us. My best friend, that was my roommate too, worked at the same place as well and when they were both working I would take off an hour early every now and then. I would pull up to our house with her (roommate’s girlfriend) waiting inside. I would walk in and she would be cleaning up in the kitchen (had crazy OCD) and I would get behind and start dry humping until she would pull down her pants and let me in. This girl had some kind of spell over me because I would walk in and just see her in her tight grey yoga pants with her nice ass and I would immediately get a massive hard on.

[MF] My roommate went out of town… his girlfriend came over… (PART 2) Roommate is back… But something is different… (long read)

Thank you all for the positive feedback on the first post! If you haven’t read the previous post you’ll want to before reading further: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ubtyk/mf_roommate_went_out_of_town_his_girlfriend_came/

My roommate returned from his school trip and things went back to normal, sort of. His girlfriend and I didn’t really talk about what had happened aside from me texting her the next day and her telling me she had a great time. She would come over to clean our house every now and then when he wasn’t there. But, there was one thing that was different. She would wear more revealing clothes than she used to.

In fact, one night when we were all in the living room playing video games (Destiny had just come out so all the roommates aside from me were really into it) she walks out of her boyfriend’s room with extremely tight, grey shorts on. I mean really short, the kind that show the bottom of her ass. He looked over at her and said, “What the fuck are you walking around in underwear for?” She replied, “They’re not underwear! They’re just shorts, don’t freak out.” This triggered my best friend to egg them both on and eventually they got into a full blow argument over it. My best friend gave me that “you mad bro?” face and I laughed my ass off.

[MF] Roommate went out of town… his girlfriend came over… (Long Read)

Right after I graduated from college I decided to get a job near the university that I attended. I lived in a house about a half of a mile from the campus and lived with one of my best friends from school and two guys that still went there. One of them had this girlfriend that was pretty cute. All of the guys in the house thought so, but to be honest, she was kind of a bitch. We all talked about it, but not in front of our roommate that dated her.

My best friend would often talk to me about it in between his breaks of playing Destiny and tell me, “Man she’s hot and all but she’s a total bitch. It would be great just to bang her and have some dirt on her.” I would just laugh and tell him “I don’t think she would ever do that.” She and our roommate had been dating a while and they were always together.

However, as we lived together longer and longer, she would come over without him even being there. She would either clean our house, due to the fact she had major OCD, or she would just be there sitting around hanging out with us until he got home from classes or work.