Seranna’s Awakening – Part 2 [mf]

[Part 1 ](

We enter yet again. Centuries lost to time.

Seranna discovered that blatantly slaughtering every man she encountered became rather noticeable unfortunately quickly.

She also discovered that repeat customers pockets were far deeper than deceased ones.

This afforded her a living, now within a modern day apartment within the centre of a thriving city.

She did not need much in the way of space. Her luxuries came in the form of vintage clothing and occasionally indulging in fine wines.

Of course she still had to indulge in the occasional soul. Meaning a low profile was mandatory.

Modern weapons could not hope to damage her but a life on the run was not the quiet and sensual life she desired.

The few run ins with towns people with pitchforks still managed to give her a hellish headache.

Today was a simple one. Doll herself up.

Perfecting her form to the preference of Sugar Daddy #1.

He liked, youth. She hadn’t bothered with morals in regards to herself since her change, but the concept of the specifics of his lust made her glad to be his current and only fixation.

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Seranna’s Awakening [MF] [oral]

It is thought that all subccubi must take a soul once they reap the seed from their victims.

Sure, it is far tastier to fully consume the morsel you have so delightfully hunted. But that isn’t very prosperous in today’s economy.

But we’ll get the that eventually.

First, the awakening of the most lucrative super whore known to the devil.

This is where we enter the world of Seranna.

In life she wasn’t much. A mere wet nurse that succumbed to the blight of syphilis, those days were tough on women. Her meagre earnings even supported by her occasional whoring barely left her with bread.

Dead by the age of 23, she descended into what she assumed was to be her hell and eternal punishment.

The flames burnt first her diseased body, and then licked away the torment from her mind. There was pain, yes. The excruciating pain of change.

She was cast before darkness incarnate, stripped bare of all she knew as a mortal.

“Do not fear, youngling. For your life as just begun.”

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[FM] There were crack on the wayward lane, where the devil fell.

This story happened a fair few years ago. I won’t specify the age because that would raise some ethical questions, even considering the low age of consent in my country.

Just know I was fully knowledgeable of what I was doing.

I’d managed to pass as old enough to attend a fairly heavy metal concert and had myself smack bang in the middle of the crowd. As all who are familiar with these types of concerts, this is where the mosh pit occurs.

And surely enough come the main band, it kicked up significantly.

Being the naive girl I was I had elected to wear only a red lycra top (no bra) a very short black skirt, fishnets and my trusty new rock boots. These boots were the only reason I was able to successfully survive the main song. Everyone was brutal, I remember having my head stepped on more than once, but at the same time, everyone helped everyone.

Especially you. You had long black hair, which my young mouldable mind was inherently weak to. Double lip piercings, the rings surely too big but what did I care, I sported (and still do) the same mismatched face jewellery.