So, I’m not much of writer but I’ve got a few sexy stories to tell. This is a story from the late 90s, at a rock festival in the UK. Me and my GF (now wife), let’s call her Megan, had been going together for a couple of years. At this time, poppers (Amyl Nirate) were still legal and really common. She hadn’t tried it although I had, along with sniffing glue and aerosols and other stupid stuff I would never do now. We were around 19 or 20 years old, uni students.
Anyway, we saw some poppers for sale at the festival market and decided to buy some. If you haven’t seen it, it comes in a tiny glass bottle and it smells so strong you only need to sniff a bit and you are instantly high. It literally wakes you up if you have fainted which I think was the original use. So we bought some and went to see the band on the main stage (I forget who). We had a sniff from this bottle and seriously within about 1 minute we kissed and suddenly had a huge blood rush and we are absolutely desperate to fuck each other. We are in the middle of this crowd and I’m groping her tits and she’s grinding against my cock. After a few minutes of this We literally run back to our tent, horny as fuck.