[MF] Part 2! I cheated on my GF twice in one night, and fucked her in between.


Hours later, about midnight, maybe 1am, in walks my girlfriend, Joanne. She’s not alone, she’s with a group of her friends, and they are wild. If I didnt know them, I probably would have waved the by, because they’d been drinking for hours. The girls always come by on a night out because I throw them a few free drinks to keep them sweet. Nicola came to the bar to warn me that Jo had insisted that they came to visit, because she was drunk and horny. If you check my other tales, you’ll know about Nic and why she felt the need to warn me.

Joanne shoved her way to the bar, pushing past actual paying customers, and shouted at me that it was time to go home. There were 200+ customers in the building at that moment, and she wanted me to close up, take her home and fuck her. I was far too busy for her shit and told her so, but this then made it a challenge to get me to close the bar for sex. I put down a round of very weak cosmopolitans to appease them, before wandering off to keep the place going.

[MF] I cheated on my GF twice in one night, and fucked her in between.


I used to run a bar.
I had a girlfriend, but it wasn’t a great relationship, she was incredibly controlling, and manipulative, and I would cheat as a way of getting back at her.

One evening, I went to open up at about 5pm for a student night. The doors wouldn’t open until about 8, but I like being early and getting ready, then having a drink with the staff before we started. I get through everything that needs doing, before any staff arrive at 7:30 to do the last of the fresh prep before opening.

This particular evening, one of the glass collectors (F19) decided that she was coming straight to work from college rather than going home and coming back. Having two sets of hands meant I got through everything much quicker and was done before 6. With nobody else due until 7:30, we decided to have a drink and put a movie on the big screen normally reserved for Football games. I went behind the bar while “Sarah” chose a movie. Sarah and I had been flirting for a while and fucked once when I left her tied to my desk in the office, but thats a different story.