[MF] Unexpectedly fucked my crush

Backstory: I met this girl (lindsey) one time at a friends house (samantha) during a little get together around a bonfire. There were about 10 of us there, but when I saw Lindsey for the first time all that ran through my head was, “Wow! Some way or somehow I gotta take this girl down!” She was about 5’3 dark black hair, fair skin color, green eyes, b cup tits, decent sized waist to compliment her ass. I was like star struck when I saw her; I could barely say hi when meeting her. Time past by and she eventually sat next to me, but nothing more than a “Hey, wussup”. We all got into a group conversation and one guy wanted to say this poem but he was really nervous to say it. We all convinced him to say it and as soon as he started I interjected and said “That shit sucks”. Kind of a dick move on my part, but everyone laughed and Lindsey looked over at me with a little smile. Until this day I remember that smile because of the light that was shining off her face because of the bonfire. Eventually we left after a few hours, and I would see Lindsey here and there, and we would talk a bit and flirt a little, but she would not hold conversation for long and walk away, because the conversations were becoming a little tense each time. Later did I find out that the guy who wanted to say that poem was her boyfriend.