The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.14 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


The women found Will making his rounds amongst the guests, just as they entered the house. He spotted them and veered in their direction.

“Good evening ladies,” he said. “I must say, you both look beautiful tonight, I hope you are enjoying yourselves.”


“Yes, thank you.”

“Good. If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask,” he said.

All three turned their heads at the sound of a crash, and breaking glass.

“If you’ll excuse me ladies, I should see to that. I hope to see you later this evening.”

Will hurried off to investigate the noise, so Jennifer and Tess each grabbed a drink from a passing server. They made their way to a large sofa, where they sat down to watch a couple having sex against a nearby wall. The woman was completely naked, her arms stretched out, palms against the wall. The only thing she wore, was a thin gold chain around her waist, that was attached to two other chains, each leading to rings in her pierced nipples. The chain swung back and forth with each thrust from the man behind her.

Categorized as Erotica

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.13 [f/f][20s-30s][oral][fwb][first time]


Tess was getting bored being alone, and needed another drink, but the bar near the kitchen was very busy, so she strolled out to the pool. There was a small crowd at this one too, but as Tess got nearer the bar, she realized people weren’t waiting for drinks, but were gathered off to one side.

‘Something interesting must be happening,’ she thought. As Tess edged to the front, she discovered exactly what held everyone’s attention.

Tess couldn’t believe her eyes. The woman named Eve had her face pressed between Jennifer’s legs, and Jennifer had her fingers in the woman’s hair, moaning softly.

Tess watched with conflicting emotions. At first she was shocked at the uninhibited scene before her. After that, she felt angrythat Jennifer left her alone, while she went to seek out this other woman.

An hour earlier, Jennifer had said she wasn’t a lesbian, but what Tess was witnessing told a different story. She grew angry with herself for being such a fool.

She was just about to walk away, but froze in her tracks when she heard Jennifer moan her name.

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.12 [f/f][20s-30s][oral][fwb][public]


Jennifer found Eve standing alone near the bar by the pool.

“I like your hair short, it suits you,” said Jennifer.

“Thank you. Where is your friend?”

“Inside,” she said. “I’ll introduce you later.”

“I would like that very much.”

“Will said you were asking about me.”

“Yes,” said Eve. “I was hoping you would be here tonight. Do you remember the last thing you said to me in Paris?”

They were standing face to face a few feet apart. “Of course I do,” Jennifer said, lifting the front of her dress in response. Eve closed the gap between them, her finger gliding up Jennifer’s very wet slit. She raised one eyebrow as if to say ‘wow’.

Jennifer brought her right hand up to Eve’s face, cupping her cheek, her thumb tracing over the full red lips. Eve’s tongue darted out.

“Mmmmm…..,” purred Jennifer. “I’ve been thinking about this tongue all day.”

“My tongue?”

“Yes, your magic tongue. That’s why I’m so wet,” said Jennifer. “I’ve been thinking about your tongue and mouth, licking and sucking my pussy.”

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The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.10 [f/f][m/f][20s-30s][fwb]


When the town car pulled up at exactly nine, Tess was waiting outside. The driver held the rear passenger door for her then got behind the wheel. When she was settled, they drove off.

Jennifer thought Tess looked beautiful and told her so. The dress she had picked suited her perfectly. Tess thanked her and told her she looked fantastic as well. Jennifer was wearing an emerald green backless cocktail dress. It clung to every curve of her body and was shorter than she would normally wear, but considering where they were going it was perfect.

Jennifer could tell Tess wanted to say something, but was hesitating.

“Tess,” she said, “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, but……..,” she faltered. “I don’t know how to say this. We must have our signals crossed. We’ve really hit it off and I like you, but….” she took Jennifer’s hand in both of hers and looking down at them blurted out, “I’m not a lesbian.”

She looked up and continued hurriedly, “Not that there is anything wrong with being a lesbian, I’m just not one.”

Jennifer laughed and squeezed her hand, “Neither am I.”

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.1 -[F/F][M/F][20s-30s][masturbation][FWB]

**The desire**

This is the second story in the Jennifer Stokes series. While it isn’t absolutely necessary, reading the proceeding work will give a better understanding of the relationship between some of the characters. The first is titled “Hidden Pleasures” and can be found in my profile.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is welcome.



Jennifer Stokes reached her destination, climbing the last few steps to the eighth floor slightly out of breath. Her busy schedule didn’t allow much time for exercise so she’d been climbing the stairs to help keep her legs and butt firm. Her daily lunchtime routine had been interrupted by a recent trip to France and it felt good to get back on track.

Turning left at the top of the stairs she headed down the hall toward the woman’s washroom to freshen up. Just as she reached for the door handle, Mary, a co-worker of hers came barging out nearly knocking her over. She was talking loudly into her mobile phone and only paused for a moment to wave an apology to Jennifer before she was off, her high heels clicking on the tile floor as she rushed toward the elevator. Mary was always working on the next big deal, apparently even in the washroom.

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.9


Saturday afternoon, just as Jennifer had promised, a package was delivered to Tess’ apartment.

Jennifer had told her everything she needed would be in the box.

Tess was excited as she opened the large white box and found a small card lying on top of a beautiful, light blue cocktail dress. She picked up the card and read the handwritten note. “See you at 9PM. Be ready. Love J.”

Tess put the card aside and lifted the dress out, laying it on her bed. The remaining items in the box were black heels, a black quarter cup bra with blue trim, a matching garter belt and silky sheer, lace topped nude stockings.

Just like Jennifer had done when she received her box in Paris, Tess went through everything twice, looking for panties. She assumed that she was to supply her own, although Jennifer had said everything she needed would be in the box. She had stressed the word everything.

Tess checked her watch. She still needed to get her nails done, so she had to get moving if she was going to be ready on time.

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The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.8


The following week was a busy one for Jennifer, although she and Tess still met every day at lunch.

Tess was still distressed over the inconsiderate actions of her ex-boyfriend though, and wasn’t much fun to be around.

On Wednesday, Jennifer stopped half way up one set of stairs. She had to get Tess out of this mood.

“Tess,” she said, “Are you still upset about that photo thing? You have to let it go.”

“I know, but those pictures,” she said with frustration in her voice. “What was I thinking?”

‘*Oh, those wonderful pictures*,’ Jennifer thought.

“Don’t worry,” Jennifer reassured her. “I have the perfect thing to cheer you up.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve been invited to a party this weekend and I want you to come with me.”

“Really?” Tess exclaimed. “That would be great!”

“See, you’re happier already.”

“Oh, wait. What kind of party is it? What am I going to wear?”

“Leave that to me.”

When Jennifer returned to her office, she called Will.

“I need your help,” she said when he answered his phone.

“Hello to you too,” he replied.

Categorized as Erotica

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.5


Monday morning Jennifer was sitting at her desk, when Will stuck his head in her open doorway.

“Jennifer,” he said. “How are you?”

“Hi Will,” she replied. “I’m good thanks. You?”

“Fine, although I’m a bit tired. I only flew in last night.”

Jennifer was itching to tell someone about her encounter the previous week with Jill. She didn’t know Will that well, although she had fucked the hell out of him in Paris, but she had to get it off her chest. They had formed some sort of bond. She certainly didn’t love him, but the intimacy they had shared felt natural, something she hoped she would experience again.

“Will, I need to talk to you, have you got a few minutes to spare?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Come in and shut the door, I don’t want anyone else to hear this.”

Will closed the door behind him and took a seat across from Jennifer at her desk.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, a worried expression on his face.

“Oh yes, everything’s fine,” she reassured him. “Great actually.”

Categorized as Erotica

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.3


The meeting with the investors went well and Jennifer ended the week on a high note. She drove home to her apartment, thinking of red hair.

Jennifer thought she needed a name for the mystery woman. ‘The woman from the bathroom,’ or ‘The redhead,’ just didn’t cut it. Until Jennifer learned her real name she had to call her something else.

“What will I call you?” Jennifer asked herself out loud. She thought about it while waiting for a red light.

“Jill!” she exclaimed. “I’ll call you Jill. It’s perfect.” Jennifer smiled at her cleverness. Jill was indeed a very good name for this redheaded woman. ‘Jill’ was short for ‘jilling,’ a slang term for female masturbation. The light turned green and she drove off.

Traffic was heavy, but it didn’t bother her, she was in a good mood. Once she finally got in the door of her apartment, she dropped her purse and coat over a chair and headed for the kitchen. Jennifer grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured herself a large glass before heading to the living room. She pushed a button on the wall for the radio, then plopped down on the sofa, kicking her shoes off, letting them fall where they might. Jennifer leaned back, sighed, and thought once more of Jill.

The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.2


As luck would have it, Jennifer couldn’t find the woman in the black and red heels anywhere. She wandered around the office making up excuses to talk to her co-workers, always on the look out.

Jennifer went home that evening, frustrated and no closer to finding the identity of her masturbation partner.

The rest of the week was much the same. She did her work and climbed the stairs at lunch. She even checked the bathroom every day, but came up empty.

Jennifer couldn’t explain why she was so obsessed with discovering who this woman was.

Friday afternoon, Jennifer had to leave early to meet a group of investors, interested in one of the firm’s properties. She grabbed her purse, laptop and coat and headed for the elevator. As she waited, she stared absently at her reflection in the shiny elevator doors and hummed a song she’d had stuck in her head the past few days.

When elevator arrived, the doors slid open and Jennifer waited while three people got off on her floor. Not paying them much attention as they exited, she stepped on. As she turned to press the button for the lobby her eyes glanced down to discover black and red heels on the last passenger.