A Beautiful Girl and a Beautiful Surprise FFFM Fiction

A couple of months ago a new girl started working in a bar/cafe I go to a lot; blonde, petite, a lovely little body and at least 20 years younger than me. In other words, way out of my league.

Her name is Mina and seeing as I go in there most days, we’ve got quite friendly and I’ve always surreptitiously eyed her as she goes about her business, especially since the Summer has finally kicked in and she’s taken to wearing tight shorts and low cut denim cut downs.

Trust me, you would too!

Anyway, the other evening emboldened by a few beers, I started vaguely chatting her up in a jokey kind of way and she responded in exactly the same way and it was all a bit of a laugh. I was one of the last ones in towards the end of the evening and I’d had a fair few beers by then which explains why I said what I did when she came to get my empty glass and see if I wanted a last for the road. I ordered a final beer and in my semi drunken state decided to take a shot. “Is there anything I could say or do and I mean anything whatsoever, that could mean us going to bed together?”

Making Movies 1st Part

I met Irene online and we’d chatted and not exactly flirted but the chat had got pretty dirty at times and she’d sent me a few pictures that showed how hot she was but there was never any suggestion that it might go any further.

One morning she messaged me with a simple question: “You are single right?” I replied in the affirmative and asked why. “I’ll tell you a bit later” she replied with a winking emoji.

All day while I was working I wondered where she was going with this and I couldn’t concentrate on my work at all as she was all I could think about, continually looking at the sexy pictures she’d sent me previously.

That evening she put me out of my misery.

“I want to make porn videos” she texted, “I’ve got the girls and I’ve got some interest in the industry but I need a dick. Are you up for yours being my star?’