[F] Sex with a college basketball player in the library stairwell

When i was a senior in college, I spent basically my entire senior year hooking up with this guy on the basketball team. One night out, we crossed paths while I was in line at a popular bar near campus and he was coming out to use his phone. At this point, we had only hooked up maybe 2 or 3 times so we started talking and shortly after, we decided to leave together. While walking back towards campus he said he wanted to “do it somewhere different. somewhere unique”. Finals week was next week and having just spent a ton of time in the library, I blurted out ” the library!”.

We made our way to the library at 10 or so on a Saturday night so there was a fair amount of people there. We got all kinds of funny looks for probably a million reasons not limited to my outfit (an orange low cut tank, a short bandage skirt and nude heels), the fact that he was this massive basketball player and I’m a 5′ blonde girl and we were both stumbling around a bit. We made our way to the elevator and talked about where to go. While in the elevator, I was convinced he was going to just hit the emergency stop button and we were going to do it right there.

[F] How I ended up between a football player and his roommate in college

So I had a brief post about this that got deleted so figured I’d elaborate and spill some more details.

I went to school in a big northeast city that had a few other universities in it and my friends dragged my out the night before Thanksgiving my junior year of college. I met this guy from another school at the bar and we got to talking. It was still pretty early in the night but he was leaving and asked if I wanted to go back to his place to hang out for a little bit. Since I really didn’t want to be out that late anyway I went back to his place thinking I’d have a drink and leave. During the walk to the subway, I started getting some pretty funny looks from people and I’m assuming it was due to him being a massive guy and me being 5′ on a good day. Or the obnoxiously pink dress I had on. Either or

[F] I went home with a college football player and ended up between him and his roommate

so very long story but made short: When I was a junior in college I met this guy at a bar who played football for one of the other local universities. We got to chatting and eventually I left with him to go back to his place. His roommate came home early from a separate party and we all hung out watching basketball and drinking. One thing led to another and I ended up having a pretty epic sex marathon with both of them. There was a lot of spitroasting and too many orgasms to count from all involved. Definitely two of the biggest dicks I’ve experienced in my life (like significantly larger than my now husbands) and the most cum I’ve ever seen, felt, swallowed in a night. I took a shower with the roommate the next morning and left never to see either of them again. Some of the best sex I ever had!