HOEVID-19 [FM] [FF] [MF+] [Spank]

A Screenplay by JG Wankworth


JESSICA, a 22 year old executive assistant, walks into the lunch room. A group of young (but definitely over 18) professionals gather around a lunch table to welcome MANDY, a 21 year old plot device, back from vacation.

Mandy! It’s been so long! How was Wuhan?

It was amazing! I wish I could have stayed longer. Try some of this rice wine I picked up, it’s delicious!

Ehhh I don’t know if I should be drinking at work. Mr. Woodcock would kill me!

A sip won’t hurt! We’ve all tried it haven’t we girls?

The girls startle, as if they’ve forgotten they were in this scene, then giggle in agreeance

Besides, Mr Woodcock is too hard on you anyways. You deserve to relax a bit.

JESSICA hesitates, then defiantly takes a huge gulp straight from the bottle.

That’s not half bad! Anyways I have to go, I need to get these reports in before Mr. Woodcock  leaves for lunch.
JESSICA exits, the camera ominously zooming in on the bottle while dramatic music plays