While I was back in my hometown for Christmas, some friends had a party. I was pleasantly surprised to see a few people who I hadn’t seen since before the pandemic. There was a lot of catching up with life events – marriages, breakups, travel, jobs, new hobbies, etc. Early on things were going well, except for one person I didn’t know who was kind of annoying me. Within the first 15-20 minutes, she disparaged one guy’s new job (“My friend worked there and it’s super toxic”) and a movie that some other people seemed to all enjoy (“I couldn’t even finish it. It was so dumb.”)
When I ran into the host, I asked who the annoying woman was. She sighed. It was the downstairs neighbor who regularly complained about noise. My friends gave her a heads up that they were having a party and threw in a “stop by if you want” but didn’t actually expect her to come. Now they had to deal with this woman being Negative Nancy in every conversation within earshot. So I had a little fun and lightly antagonized her whenever she talked something down. It never went further than playful little debates. But it did make me the person who interacted with her most at the party.