My Dream: Just Last Night I was at Church

I woke up horny this morning. It must have been that dream I barely remember as being so real, so hot. As I closed my eyes, my hands slowly sculpted my breasts and one made its way to my pussy. I was wet. No not wet, soaked. Oh my God, that must have been some intense dream. As I started to finger myself, wishing I could remember more of it.

It started while I was at Church, at gospel practice. I remember singing a duet with Rob and it didn’t go well initially. Steve, our director, made us sing it over and over again, until I was ready to walk out. But finally, we got the harmonies right and it was perfect. After that the dream got fuzzy. 

Of course! Now I remember, Rob and I went for a drink to celebrate our success. I think it was a restaurant and recall some soft jazz music in the background. Then a couple of Rob’s friends saw us and bought us a second round. They joined us at our table and ordered some wings too. The smell of fried chicken hung heavy in the air, definitely a restaurant.

Our New Hobby – A Husband’s Perspective Part 2

**She Said What?**

Donald announced himself with a rather timid knock on the door. I answered the door and took in the gentleman who would soon be fucking my wife. He wore a charcoal gray suit, blue shirt and a maroon tie. I invited him in and asked him if he wanted some water or something stronger.

“No thanks Rob, I just want your wife,” he said smiling.

“She’s in the bedroom, but first she has some rules. She wants both of us to do everything she tells us. She won’t ask us to get involved with each other and I’m only going to watch. She wants the whole thing videoed so she can see it later. And she doesn’t want you to use a condom. Can you live with those conditions?”

“So she’s going to tell me what to do? I’m cool with that. Sure those are no problem. I’d love to get a copy of the video, that’d be so cool? Let’s go.”

I walked Donald into the bedroom, where my beautiful and sexy wife was waiting, standing by the window. She had put on a little black dress over her lingerie, but still looked so hot.

Just this Morning I was at a Job Fair

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**Just This Morning I Went to a Job Fair**

Oh my God. I had never even dreamed of this much cum. It was everywhere; on my boobs, face, hair, butt, stomach, in my pussy and ass and deliciously in my mouth. Who would have thought I’d willingly end up in a hotel room or wherever I am with fifteen guys banging me and blasting their cum in me and all over me? 

This morning I went to a job fair at the Madison River Park Hotel. I had worn an amethyst colored blouse and a gray skirt, a few inches above the knee, with black pumps. I’m glad I didn’t wear heels as I had walked and walked that morning. I visited so many booths in the conference center that I nearly ran out of my 100 resumes. I was ecstatic when Terra Cotta Industries wanted to interview me right then.  Room 918 they said. Just knock.

I knocked. The door opened and I was greeted by a beautiful woman in a cocktail dress. She took my resume and asked, “Would you like some coffee, tea or water while you wait? It should be less than 20 minutes. 

Our New Hobby – A Husband’s Perspective

***My Kink***

*We’ve been married for 14 months. It’s been wonderful. I love her more than I can explain and she loves me even more. But six months ago I found myself wanting to watch her get fucked by another guy. I didn’t understand it then and barely do now, but the feeling was strong and has grown stronger.*

*Michelle has been the love of my life for over three years. We met while I was in my junior year of college and for me it was love at first sight. She was my teaching assistant for an advanced economics class and I won her heart, eventually.*

*Michelle grew up in Oregon on a dairy farm, though not just any dairy farm; her dad is a “Milk Magnate.” He owns about a dozen dairies all along the west coast. Michelle is an only child. Her mother died in childbirth. Her father named Michelle after her mother, Michelle Marie. Her dad raised Michelle with the help of nannies, tutors, coaches and mentors. She walked early, talked early, and was reading by her second birthday.*