The study session I forgot about [FM]

There is a knock at the door. I don’t answer because I am lying in my bed and masturbating while fantasizing about the guy who lives upstairs. The person at the door is extremely persistent, though. The knocking continues.

“Hold on a second, Jackie” I say as I quickly roll out of bed wondering what the hell my roommate needs right now.

“It’s Andy,” the person on the other side of the door responds. I suddnely remember that Andy and I had made plans to study at my place. Andy is one of the guys in my computer science class. He’s handsome and charming. And best of all, he actually understands what the hell the professor is talking about.

I guess Jackie must have let him in. Fuck. I begin searching for something to throw on and find a pair of gym shorts on the floor. Andy does not wait. I guess I forgot to lock the door. Fuck.

I freeze. My shorts are only halfway on. I have no shirt. He walks into the room and stands at the doorway, moving his eyes up and down my body. Feeling his gaze I pull the shorts on all the way — covering my ass and already wet pussy.

Fun at a Restaurant [FM]

I doodled on my notepad, tuning out what the restaurant manager was saying. I hated these quarterly meetings, but I was forced to attend because I was the team leader for the wait staff.

I didn’t want to be a waitress again, but this was the only job an eighteen-year-old could get while in college. The hours were crappy. The pay was mediocre. The only bright part was working around so many guys. The wait staff was mostly male, and they were all friendly and protective of me. My favorite part of the day was seeing Danny, my supervisor. I had known Danny for almost three years. I had previously worked with him as a waitress at a cheap family pizza place when I was sixteen. I had quit that job after six months and had missed talking and flirting with him. I was quite shocked to see him when I interviewed at the new restaurant.